
Tuesday, February 16, 2016

How would you look upside down?

Hey everyone!

I attended a conference of aging of the face two weeks back. Did you know that aging of the face can be related to gravity? Yep it is.

Well, here's what's REALLY interesting: To reinforce this theory, they found out that inversion photographs of aging patients (either in a supine or Trendelenburg position) demonstrate an appearance consistent with that of photographs taken approximately 10–15 years prior.

Here's a picture:

How would you look upside down? Definitely younger!

The tear trough diminishes, orbital fat prolapse is no longer apparent, and cheek nevi ascend to their original positions. Although volume loss does become more apparent in the lower eyelids and in the lips, many of the other features that give rise to the aging face are improved with supine positioning.
Aging is therefore partially gravitational: much of the volume in the face must be retained and not lost, because volumes drift back into position when the supine position is assumed.

That's all!

Interesting, isn't it? It makes me wonder how we would look if we'd live on planets with no gravity. Damn, lucky aliens.


Oh and reference! I had a hard time searching for the reference on Google. I tried Googling, "Upside down face aging" and all sorts of weird stuff came up :P
Anyway, thankfully, my resident sent me the PowerPoint today and I found it! If you wanna read more about it, you can try looking up: The Anatomic Basis of Midfacial Aging by Allan E. Wulc, Pooja Sharma, and Craig N. Czyz


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