
Wednesday, April 1, 2020

COVID-19: App based clinical trials

Let’s see how scientists are using app technology to generate data for research on COVID-19.

1. Cordio Application
Trial: Single-Arm Observational Study Designed to Clinically Evaluate Cordio Application in Adult Patients Positive to COVID19
- An observational, prospective cohort study
Adult patients positive to COVID19 virus will record several predefined sentences via a smartphone/tablet and will answer questions via the app (a similar study was done for CHF patients in the past)
- Study population: 5000 COVID 19 positive participants age above 18 years
- Study duration: 2 months
- Objective: patient voice that is recorded during the study will be analyzed with specific algorithms

2. nCapp, auto-diagnosis system
Trial: The COVID-19 Mobile Health Study, a Large-scale Clinical Observational Study Using nCapp
- An observational, prospective cohort study
An app-based auto-diagnosis system, which is based on the clinical guidelines, clinical experience, and statistic training model
- Study population:  450 high-risk COVID 19 patients (150 cases in the training cohort and 300 cases in the validation cohort) aged 18 to 90 years
- Study duration: 2.5 months
- Objective: To determine the accuracy of nCapp COVID-19 risk diagnostic model

3. COVID 19 self-test applet
Trial: Registry Study on the Efficacy of a Self-test and Self-alert Applet in Detecting Susceptible Infection of COVID-19 ——a Population-Based Mobile Internet Survey
- Observational, prospective internet survey and registry study
Based on the Internet population survey, and referring to the diagnosis and screening standards of the National Health Commission of the People's Republic of China, investigators carried out the mobile applet of Internet survey and registry study so as to screen the suspected population and guide the medical treatment.
Once registered, the applet can automatically remind the self-test twice a day, and encourage to adhere to 14 days. It automatically compares with the standards and highly suspected population could be given medical guidance and encouraged to go to the fever clinic of the designated hospital for a definite diagnosis
- Study population:  300000 people of any age who lived in or out of China at present and threatened by the infection and spread of COVID 19 - Study duration: 5 months
- Objective: To determine the positive number diagnosed by the national guideline in the evaluated population

Trial: Active Monitoring And Determinants of Incidence Infection of COVID-19 in a Hospital Population (AMADIICH)
- Observational, prospective cohort-based study
- Study population: 1000 healthy participants aged 18 to 80 years 
- Study duration: 6 months
- Objective: 
-To investigate whether the use of a cell phone App-based platform is a useful tool to monitor the symptoms of a population in the risk of SARS-Cov2 infection
- To assess the determinants of the incidence of infection of COVID-19 in people working in Hospital during the pandemic of SARS-Cov-2 Written by Devi Bavishi References:

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