Monday, June 23, 2014

MBBS surgery instruments mnemonic

Surgery instruments mnemonic! Yaay!

Before you start reading, make sure you have (a little) general idea on what they look like & where they are used.. Because otherwise it'll sound completely bonkers! You make ask any doubts in the comments section below :)

Also you are free to contribute any crazy mnemonics you've made while learning these & we'll update this section accordingly! Have fun ^__^

Kocher's forceps mnemonic.
I call it Ko-chew.
You need teeth for chewing.
And that's how I remember that Kocher's looks like an artery forceps except for the apposing tooth in the tip.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Antidotes and chelating agents mnemonic

Hey everyone! Long time, is it not?

We'll be learning about chelating agents today!

The antidote for copper poisoning is pencillamine.
How do I remember that?
"Copper pennies"
Penicillamine - Copper poisoning.

Dimercaprol is also known as British Anti Lewisite.
"BAL GAL" (It rhymes lol) or "British gal" is my mnemonic for remembering for which toxins' treatment it is used!
British Anti Lewisite - Gold, Arsenic, Lead.

Sometimes you find the answer in the word itself!
diMERcaprol - MERcury posioning.

Friday, June 13, 2014

What is extra ovular space?

IkaN: What does extraovular space mean in relationship to medical termination of pregnancy?

Pharmacology study tip - How to remember drugs names and their mechanism of action

Hey everyone!

There are certain drugs which are unique and that is why remembering mechanism of action or their pharmacological property becomes very difficult :/

I talk about how to remember them in this video! ^_^

The drugs I talk about are - Finasteride, Flutamide, Baclofen, Dantrolene, Pyrazinamide, Ethambutol. A mnemonic thingy which helps you not get confused =P

I hope you enjoy the video.
And if you do use this tip to make a merge words memory aid, don't forget to share it with us! :)

That's all!


Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Bacterial vaginosis: Difference between Trichomonas vaginalis and Gardenella vaginalis with mnemonic

I talk about the various features of Trichomonas vaginalis and Gardenella vaginalis.. Also added a mnemonic on metronidazole at the end! Hope it helps!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Lecithin–sphingomyelin ratio mnemonic

Hey everyone!

We measure the L:S ratio in the amniotic fluid to check for fetal lung maturity.

The concentration of lecithin and sphingomyelin is equal till 32–33 weeks gestation after which the lecithin concentration begins to increase significantly while sphingomyelin remains nearly the same.

An L:S ratio of 2 or more indicates fetal lung maturity and a relatively low risk of infant respiratory distress syndrome, and an L/S ratio of less than 1.5 is associated with a high risk of infant respiratory distress syndrome.

Not something you forget, but this is how it plays in my head - Phosphatidylcholine Peaks, Sphingomyelin remains the Same.

It also helps you remember that lecithin is made up of phospholipids like phosphatidylcholine.
(Sometimes, examiners may use basic biochemical compounds to test whether you know what they are made of.. That's when you show them what you are made of as well B)

That's all!


Saturday, May 3, 2014

Which cell secretes what? Male reproductive system mnemonics

LH stimulates Leydig cells to produce Testosterone.
Testosterone converts the Wolffian ducts into male accessory structures.
Mnemonic: There is a L in LH and Leydig.
If you flip around the letter L, it looks like a T.

FSH stimulates Sertoli cells to produce Sperm.
Mnemonic: There is a S in FSH, Sertoli, and Sperm.

Inhibin is secreted from the Sertoli cells and it inhibits FSH secretion.
Mnemonic: sertoli ends in I for Inhibin.

Sertoli cells secrete MIF that inhibit female paramesonephric duct development.
Mnemonic: sertoli ends in I for mullerian Inhibiting factor (MIF).

Related posts:
Which cell secretes what? A simplified ovarian cycle comic video
Which cell secretes what? Gastric mucosa histology mnemonics

Friday, May 2, 2014

Steps of mitosis mnemonic

Hey everyone!
We'll be learning about mitosis today!
Mitosis makes copies of cells.
It occurs in all somatic cells of the body (except sperm and ova)

Here is how to remember the various stages of cell division :)