Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Difference between cauda equina syndrome and conus medullaris (with mnemonics)

Let's differentiate Cauda equina syndrome (CES) from conus medullaris today!
With mnemonics because they make life easier! (And because it is the IkaN style of doing things)

Ischioanal fossa (Fun Mnemonic Diagrams)

Hello Everyone,
Lets discuss Ischioanal fossa. I remember it as a Rocket!!
How to draw it?

Draw a rocket

Add 2 wings !!

Draw 2 snakes underneath the wings
Color it up.

And Label it.

That's all,
Thank you,
Chaitanya Inge

Methamphetamine intoxication mnemonic

This post is about crystal meth.

Aortic stenosis murmur explained

In this video I talk about:

The systolic crescendo decrescendo murmur of AS
Early vs late systolic murmur - Which is more severe?
Why there is a soft S2 and paradoxical splitting of the second heart sound in AS?

And mnemonics! Yaay! :D

Cortisol and eosinophils

Today, I forgot the relationship between cortisol and esosinophils. Completely screwed up a practice question because I couldn't remember it.

Now I made a mnemonic to remember this :D

Mnemonic: In hypERcortisolism, Eosinophils Reduce.

Why do corticosteroids cause eosionopenia? Why does hypocortisolism cause an increase in eosinophil count?

Bankart's and Hill Sach's lesion mnemonic

These two lesions occuring in relation with shoulder dislocation can stump someone if asked in an MCQ as to which lesion is specifically related to which structure.

Remember the sentence-

" Sacks of money are deposited in a bank"

In a similar way, the head of humerus is 'deposited' (articulates within) the glenoid cavity.

Hill Sach's lesion occurs on the humeral head.
Bankart's lesion occurs on the anterior glenoid labrum.

Now, how to remember whether is it the anterior or the posterior labrum?
Remember that anterior dislocation of the humeral head is the commonest occurence. That will leave no confusion.

That's all!

-Sushrut Dongargaonkar

How to interpret a Chest X-ray.

Hello everybody, so today's post will be a little long so kindly bear with me.

I hope that this post helps you and makes interpretation of an x-ray less daunting and more fun.

So let's get started.
Step 1:
Always place the x-ray in a such a way so that it seems you are facing the patient.

So naturally this is only possible with AP(Anteroposterior) and PA (Posteroanterior) views.

The technicians mark the X-ray indicating the side but chest x-rays are sort of independent of side markers due to the position of the left ventricle and the aortic knuckle.

Step 2:
To interpret a chest x-ray you need to think in layers as in from outside-in or from inside-out, with one type of structure at a time.
Do a targeted search rather than just staring at the radiograph, an abnormality is unlikely to strike unless you look for it in a planned manner.
Your eyes should scan each part of the film and one should always look twice in the regions where mistakes are more likely, like the Apices in a PA view and the region over the spine in a lateral view.

Step 3:
Scan the whole radiograph in a sequence:

Identify AP or PA view.
Check for side markers.
Radiographic exposure.
Check for integrity of bony cage.
Begin with lung Apices.
Upper middle and lower zones.
Check the Cardiophrenic angles.
Mediastinal structures.
Soft tissues.

Step 4:

Then Detect the lesion : Where is the lesion and what structures are affected by it. Starting with

Trachea and Bronchi:
Position,shift and deviation.

Mediastinal Lines:
Paratracheal stripes: visible or lost.
Aortopulmonary Window: Fullness or normal.
Paraspinal Lines: bulging or normal.

Hilum and Cardiac prominences, and see cardiogenic or mediastinal cause for the prominence.

Lungs :
Check for the Lung Volumes, Right or left lung densities,Diffuse lung abnormalities.
Whether the lesion is Pulmonary or Extrapulmonary. If pulmonary whether it is focal or diffuse.

Pleura and Fissures : Check for pleural effusion and pleural based masses.

Bones :
Focal injuries
Rib fractures, Notching.
Shoulder girdle and clavicles .

Step 5:
Directed search in an apparently normal chest x-ray.

Lungs :
See the Hidden lung areas like retrocardiac and retroclavicular areas.
Also check for Pulmonary Embolism.

Mediastinum :  Check for the Posterior mediastinal masses and hilar masses.

Step 6:
Describe the Lesion :
Location and Extent of the lesion.
Characteristics in the form of :
Associated features of trachea, lungs fissures etc.

Step 7:
In the end.
Put up a provisional diagnosis.
Differentiate from the closer/similar diagnoses.
Put up a final diagnosis.
A breif description on the Management.

Viola! We are through our way describing a chest x-ray!

Reading any radiograph has its learning curve and the more we see the more we learn.

Try and describe all the radiographs you see hence forth in the manner mentioned above or anyway you like it but follow a definite protocol and don't miss any important points.

I hope this post was helpful.

Let's Learn Together!

Monday, May 15, 2017

A neonate with cyanotic heart disease (Case #2)

A 3 day old new born is found to have cyanosis. On examination, a II/IV holosystolic murmur is heard. CXR shows decreased pulmonary vascular markings and cardiomegaly. ECG shows tall P waves and left axis deviation. Diagnosis?

Similar to the case we discussed last time (A neonate with cyanotic heart disease #1), let's narrow our differential.

Step 2 CK: Immunization schedule in the US mnemonic


I did not create the mnemonic, I just created the table to put it all together for quick revision :)

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Why some people hate cheese!

Hello everybody!

So today let's learn a bit about how our brain circuits work.

Some people hate cheese. Like seriously?
How can you miss the warm fussy feeling you get while eating warm molten cheese in a Fondue!

Well some people might not feel any bit of it and rather feel disgusted when presented with cheese.( I feel bad for them )

Anyway let's see how these things work.

Why aversive to cheese per say? 

Cheese is the food that most frequently triggers aversion. 

 Among those with an aversion to cheese, 20% say they are intolerant to lactose. In 50% of cases, at least one of their family members does not like cheese either. These stats suggested that there is a genetic origin to this aversion, which might be related to lactose intolerance.

To find out what happens in the brain,  people who like cheese and who do not were selected and participated in a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study. 

They observed that the ventral pallidum which is activated in people who are hungry was totally inactive in people who had an aversion to cheese but was active for all other food types. Also the Globus Pallidus and Substantia Nigra part ( the reward circuit) was more active in people who had aversion to cheese than in those who do. 

So in conclusion, the areas of reward centres of our brain the Globus Pallidus and Substantia Nigra have two types of neurons with complementary activity , one relating to the rewarding aspect of food and other to it's aversive nature.

So now we have a breif idea as to how the brains are wired differently and how we all our special in our own ways!

Let's learn Together!


Femoral Nerve Mnemonic

Hello Everyone,
Lets discuss Femoral nerve today. Doesn't femoral nerve sound feminine? Also I am writing this post on Mothers Day, what a coincidence!

Root value: L2-L4
   (Ladies work 24 hours.)

Motor innervation:
It innervates following muscles:

  • Anterior division branches innervates
    •   Sartorius 
    •   Illiacus
    •   Pectineus 
  • Posterior division branches (innervates Quadriceps femoris)
    •   Rectus femoris 
    •   Vastus medialis 
    •   Vastus lateralis 
    •   Vastus intermedius 

How to remember it? @_@
Queens hardly get time to SIP coffee  ^_^

Sensory innervation:

Anterior division branches provides sensation to anteromedial asepct of the thigh, consists of 2 branches:

  • Medial cutaneous nerve of thigh 
  • Intermediate cutaneous nerve

Posterior division:

  • Saphenous nerve : provides sensation to anteromedial aspect of lower leg.
  • Infrapatellar branches to knee :pierces the sartorius and fasica lata medial to the knee, and provides cutaneous innervation to the skin anteriorly over the patella.
How to remember it? @_@
MISs is Insensitive to pain. ^_^

Wish you Happy Mothers Day : )

That's all
Thank you,
Chaitanya Inge

Monteggia and Galeazzi fracture mnemonic

One can get confused on hours end as to what fracture is related to what bone. Hope this mnemonic comes in handy!

1. MUFC( Manchester united fan club)

- Monteggia upper ulnar fracture
With radial head dislocation

2. GFR low(Glomerular filtration rate)

- Galeazzi fracture radial, lower
With distal radio ulnar subluxation

That's all!

-Sushrut Dongargaonkar

Laughter Disorders - It might not be funny!

Hello everybody!
So today I am going to share some information on how laughter has a dark side too.
There are a lot of laughter related disorders and this gets the scientists more Intrigued to understand the neurocircuitry involved in laughter.The actual neural basis of laughter is still not very well known and what we do know about it largely comes from pathological clinical cases.
 So laughter can be classified,
 ranging from genuine and spontaneous to simulated (fake), stimulated (tickling), induced (by drugs) or even pathological.
Some of the laughter related disorders are:
1) Pseudobulbar affect : identified by Charles Darwin, It is characterised by frequent, involuntary and uncontrollable outbursts of laughing and crying. It arises due to disconnection of the descending pathways between the frontal lobes and brainstem.
Some disorders associated with the condition are : Traumatic brain injury, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's Disease, Multiple sclerosis and Most importantly Stroke.
2) Gelatophobia : Fear of being mocked at. It may lead to social ineptness to severe​ depression. It is thought to arise from negative early life experiences if being teased, ridiculed.
Imagining shows us that people who suffer from this condition have poor brain wiring and poor connections between frontal and medial temporal brain areas.
On the continum Gelatophilia is the joy of being laughed at and another related condition Katagelasticism is joy of laughing at others.
3) A twisted sense of humor and laughing at inappropriate times is thought to be an early sign of demetia.
4) Gelastic seizures : rare type of seizure that involves a sudden burst of energy, usually in the form of laughing. Mainly associated with Hypothalamic Hamartoma.
5) Angelman Syndrome : It's a chromosomal disorder affecting the Central Nervous  System.They laugh frequently due to heightened stimulation of parts of Brain involved in laughter.
So these were some pathologies and conditions of abnormal laughter.Do share if you know of any such conditions I may have missed.
So long as there are no underlying illnesses laughter is still the best medicine!
Let's Learn Together!