Showing posts with label Embryology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Embryology. Show all posts

Saturday, September 5, 2015

How to remember gene for differentiation of gonads


How to remember gene for differentiation of gonads

Mnemonic: Why (Y) are you Sorry (SRY)?

Y chromosome contains SRY gene which differentiates gonads to testes.

Daxone (DAX1) went for (WNT-4) double X (XX) .

Genetic factor DAX1 and signaling molecule WNT-4 are necessary for development of ovary.

That's all!


Friday, February 27, 2015

Study group discussion: Ligamentum venosum and ligamentum arteriosum

Can someone explain the formation of ligamentum venosum to me? I read up on it and re-listened to the lecture but I feel like I'm confusing myself :(

The formation or why it's there?

The origin.. As in what it is a remnant of and how?

It's the remnant of the ductus venosum which shunts blood away from the developing liver to go directly into the inferior vena cava. Since the developing liver doesn't need a huge amount of blood supply.

Oh...That makes sense.

Yup. So the umbilical veins brings nutrients and oxygen from the placenta, so we need to bypass the liver via the ductus venosus. Then when we are back in the Right ventricle, we don't need much blood into the lungs so we shunt it into the main circulation via ductus arteriosus.

Which later turns into ligamentum arteriosum! :D
Now everything is in place! Thank you so much!

No problem :)

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Which cell secretes what? Male reproductive system mnemonics

LH stimulates Leydig cells to produce Testosterone.
Testosterone converts the Wolffian ducts into male accessory structures.
Mnemonic: There is a L in LH and Leydig.
If you flip around the letter L, it looks like a T.

FSH stimulates Sertoli cells to produce Sperm.
Mnemonic: There is a S in FSH, Sertoli, and Sperm.

Inhibin is secreted from the Sertoli cells and it inhibits FSH secretion.
Mnemonic: sertoli ends in I for Inhibin.

Sertoli cells secrete MIF that inhibit female paramesonephric duct development.
Mnemonic: sertoli ends in I for mullerian Inhibiting factor (MIF).

Related posts:
Which cell secretes what? A simplified ovarian cycle comic video
Which cell secretes what? Gastric mucosa histology mnemonics

Friday, May 2, 2014

Steps of mitosis mnemonic

Hey everyone!
We'll be learning about mitosis today!
Mitosis makes copies of cells.
It occurs in all somatic cells of the body (except sperm and ova)

Here is how to remember the various stages of cell division :)

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Embryological origin of brain mnemonics

Hello brainy people! Let's memorize the embryological origins of the encephalon! The what? The brain? Yeah, that's what we call it!
Disclaimer: I've made super lame associations =P

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Aortic arch derivatives mnemonic images

I made these diagrams guessing they'll be helpful ^__^

Aortic arch derivatives
The greater part of the first and second artery disappear. In adult life first arch artery is represented by the maxillary artery and the second arch persists for some part of fetal life as the stapedial artery.
The mnemonic people use for that is, "First is max" & "Second is Stapedial" =)

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Nervous system origins mnemonic

Hello everyone :)
Let's get to CNS and PNS origins =D

Neural crest derivatives:
Neural creSt cells have S
Schwann cells have S
Sensory neurons have S
How I remember that neural crest cells give rise to post ganglionic autonomic neurons is that I remember adrenal medulla is derived from neural crest cells which is as good as a post ganglionic neuron!

Note: The cells that give rise to the adrenal medulla are called chromaffin cells.

Mesoderm gives rise to Microglia which are Macrophages of the CNS