Showing posts with label Gynaecology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gynaecology. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Painful and painless genital ulcers mnemonic


Today's post is about sexually transmitted pathogens that cause (painful and painless) genital ulcers.

Causes of painful genital ulcers:
Haemophilus ducreyi (the causative agent of chancroid)
Herpes simplex virus types I and II (HSV-1 and HSV-2)

Causes of painless genital ulcers:
Treponema pallidum (the causative agent of syphilis)
Klebsiella granulomatis (the causative agent of granuloma inguinale; also known as "Donovanosis")
Chlamydia trachomatis serovars L1-3 (the causative agents of lymphogranuloma venereum; LGV)

And now, mnemonics for everybody! Wohhooo!

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Breast feeding and maternal cancer

Breast feeding decreases the risk of all of the following cancers in the mother EXCEPT:

Breast cancer
Ovarian cancer
Endometrial cancer

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia mnemonic

Hey, do you know a way to remember the Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia and it's enzyme deficiencies?

It's the same mnemonic that everyone uses:
The 1 looks like an up arrow for increase

First digit for blood pressure
Second digit for sex hormones

11 hydroxylase deficiency:
1 - BP - High (Hypertension) 
1 - Sex steroids - High (Virilization in females) 

21 hydroxylase deficiency:
2 - BP - Low (Hypotension)
1 - Sex steroids - High (Virilization in females)

17 hydroxylase deficiency:
1 - BP - High (Hypertension) 
7 - Sex steroids - No increase

There was a point in my life where I forgot which digit stood for what. I have a mnemonic for that as well... It's a vulgar mnemonic.
I think of erection, first the blood goes into the corpora cavernosa and then the penis is erect. I remember the sequence of digits by - "First comes the blood, then comes the boner."
First digit - BP
Second digit - sex steroids

An easier alternative submitted by Dev:
Just remember AT
A - Aldosterone
T - Testosterone

I modified it to cat.



Sunday, April 16, 2017

Non Contraceptive uses of the Condom

Hi everyone. So we know what we use a condom for generally :p
But there are a few non Contraceptive uses for this magical device that prevents babies :').

So here goes -

1. Prevention of STD's.
2. Can be used in Balloon Tamponade to control PPH.
3. Used to cover the USG probe inserted into the female tract.
4. Can be used as a mould for the vagina during Vulvoplasty.
5. Women with Anti Sperm antibodies during the initial phase. (Controversial).

So that's about it.
We know no 5 more reasons to use condoms !
Go get em ; )
Happy studying.
Stay awesome.

~ A.P.Burkholderia

Friday, April 14, 2017

Abdominal Pain in Pregnancy

Hey guys

In this post I will mention the most common and must-know causes of abdominal pain in pregnancy which is a very common complaint during gestation. I will also mention certain salient points which will be helpful in the differential diagnosis.

1. Implantation Bleeding. There is a mild abdominal pain 6-12 days after conception along with a small amount of vaginal bleeding called spotting. Be careful so as not to confuse this bleeding with the menstrual bleeding.

2. Ectopic Pregnancy. This is the leading cause of first trimester mortality of the foetus. If there is a serum HCG level more than 2400 mIU/ml (The discriminatory zone is 1500-2400mIU/ml) and on USG there is no gestational sac in the uterus, then you should strongly suspect this. The most common sites are Tubal, Ovarian, Interstitial, Cervical.

3. Spontaneous Abortion. It is common in the early pregnanacy( upto 20 weeks) and is divided into 4 stages: Threatened, Inevitable, Incomplete, Complete. If there is vaginal bleeding without cervical dilatation or any change in cervical consistency, then it is Threatened abortion, if the cervix is dilated, it is Inevitable; if some products of conception are discharged per vaginally, it is incomplete abortion.

4. Abruptio Placentae. It is due to premature separation of placenta from its implantation site causing vaginal bleeding and pain due to uterine cramps caused by myometrial irritation. In some cases there is no vaginal bleeding, and we call those Concealed abruption. If the abruption is large enough to cause uteroplacental insufficiency the fetus is at risk. And the mother is at risk of haemorrhagic shock.

5. Ovarian Cyst

6. Ovarian Torsion 

7. Appendicitis

8. Uterine leiomyomas (Fibroids)

9. HELLP Syndrome. Haemolysis, Elevated liver enzymes, Low platelets syndrome is a complication of Preeclampsia characterized by nausea, vomiting and right upper quadrant pain and tenderness. If this condition has progressed, there is risk of seizures and in the worst case hepatic rupture causing hypovolemic shock and severe pain. Peripheral blood smear will show schistocytes and low platelets.

10. Cholelithiasis. This condition will have characteristic biliary colic, i.e., intermittent right upper quadrant pain associated with nausea and vomiting.

11. Cholecystitis.

12. UTI. There will be suprapubic pain with dysuria, frequency and urgency.

13. Urolithiasis.

14. Round Ligament Pain.  Enlargement of uterus during pregnancy leads to traction in the round ligament which pulls on the nearby nerve fibres causing sharp pain; such a pain can also be caused by round ligament spasm or cramps. This pain is usually present on the right side because of the dextro-deviation of the uterus and managed by acetaminophen and exercise.

That's all!


Friday, February 24, 2017

Indications for oestrogen therapy mnemonic

Indications for oestrogen hormonal therapy mnemonic: 8Ds

D- Deficiency states of oestrogen
D- Development of secondary sexual characters
D- Diagnosis of pregnancy ( along with progestogen )
D- Dysmenorrhea
D- Depression ( post- partum and perimenopausal )
D- Diastolic dysfunction ( in postmenopausal women )
D- associated Diseases (dermatologic, neurologic, autoimmune)
D- Decubitus ulcer

That's all
- Jaskunwar Singh

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Potter syndrome mnemonic

Hey wait its not the Harry potter syndrome or sequence ;p
The term was first coined by Edith Louis Potter but it's a misnomer and more of a Potter sequence or the Oligohydramnios sequence. So here's the mnemonic of some of the clinical features: POTTER

P- Pulmonary hypoplasia
O- Oligohydramnios
T- Twisted face (Potter facies)
T- Twisted skin (wrinkly skin)
E- Extremity (limb) defects
R- Renal agenesis (bilateral)

That's all
- Jaskunwar Singh

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Menstrual cycle and related problems

Here are some common menstural complaints that I studied today during my posting that I would like to share with you. There are many more though. Comment if you think I have missed out on something!

Friday, November 18, 2016

Causes of priapism

Hello lovely medical students!

Priapism is persistent, painful erection that develops without sexual simulation.

Here are a few causes of priapism:

(Mnemonic: PRazosin causes PRiapism)

(Mnemonic: Trazodone causes a boner - TrazoBone)

Perineal or genital trauma

Neurogenic lesions

Sickle cell disease and leukemia

Always check medications first, since it is often drug induced.

That's all!

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Why smoking is protective for endometrial cancer?

Smoking is a risk factor for quite a number of cancers. But it can be protective for certain diseases as ulcerative colitis.

It is also protective for endometrial carcinoma and how?
1. It reduces estrogen level
2. Decreases weight
3. Associated with early menopause.

Remember that endometrial cancer is due to excess estrogen..and even being obese or having diabetes mellitus is a well known risk factor

Irrespective smoking is bad for health. Each cigarette reduces your life span by 11 minutes or so they say.

Live happy stay healthy


Prostaglandins mnemonic for obstetrics

Thought this will help.

Dinosaurs are Extinct. Ex-two-inct.
Dinoprostone is PGE2.

Carboprost. Carbofrost.
Carboprost is PGF2 alpha.

MIsoprostol - M flipped is E and I looks like 1.
Misoprostol is PGE1.

That's all!

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

McCune Albright syndrome mnemonic

Hello everyone!

McCune–Albright syndrome is suspected when two of the three following features are present:

Endocrine hyperfunction such as precocious puberty
Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia
Unilateral Café-au-lait spots

Here's a mnemonic :)

Precocious puberty mnemonics

Hi! :)

Precocious puberty in females is secondary sexual characteristics, accelerated growth in females greater than 8 years of age.

Normal pubertal landmarks mnemonic:

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Karyotype seen in different disorders

Karyotype in:
Turners syndrome
Kallmanns syndrome
Klinefelters syndrome

45 XO
46 XX or 46 XY
47 XXY

Friday, July 29, 2016

Step 2 CK: Types of incontinence mnemonic

Here's a short post on types of incontinence. It is important to know for step 2 CK as well as step 2 CS!

Monday, June 6, 2016

Step 2 CK: Anterior and posterior urethral injuries and mnemonic


I was studying about urethral injuries today for my Step 2 CK exam and these are my notes :)
I put them in a question and answer format. Hope it helps! 

What are the pats of the male urethra?
The male urethra is anatomically subdivided into anterior and posterior segments at the level of the urogenital diaphragm.

Posterior urethra:
Prostatic urethra
Membranous urethra

Anterior urethra:
Bulbous urethra
Penile urethra

Mnemonic: PM BP

Parts of male urethra mnemonic