Showing posts with label Preventive and social medicine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Preventive and social medicine. Show all posts

Friday, February 23, 2018

HPV vaccines

Hello Awesomites!

HPV infection can cause:
-cancers of the cervix, vagina, and vulva in women;
-cancers of the penis in men; and
-cancers of the anus and back of the throat, including the base of the tongue and tonsils (oropharynx), in both women and men.

3 vaccines are available :-
1.Gardasil (6,11,16,18)
2.Cervarix (16,18)
3.Gardasil 9

Is HPV vaccine only for girls?
No, it is for both boys and girls.

Age 11-26 years.
Then what is that 9-11 years or 11-12 years criteria?
Actually most of the vaccination programme for adolescent is in that age group. So to avoid that extra visit it has been scheduled so.
What about beyond 26 years?
It is not required because such cases are either already exposed or already infected.
In <14 years -2 doses is needed to mount same immunity.

Dose 2 or 3 .
-interval between the doses should be of 4 weeks.

Route intramuscular

Type capsid proteins.

Pregnancy is a contraindication. But if did vaccination then no need to abort.

For the doubts regarding vaccination, you should consult your physician.

-Upasana Y. :)

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Guidelines for treatment of drug-susceptible tuberculosis 2017 UPDATE

Hello Awesomites :D

This is to inform you the updated guidelines.
I was overwhelmed with the data in the book. I tried to simplify it.

1.The name given to this scheme is "99 DOTS"
99 means that 99% benefits should reach to all the people who are enrolled under this programme.

2.INTRODUCTION OF FDC (fixed dose combination)
 (Please make a correction in the following diagram :- ETHAMBUTOL=275mg)

4.Information technology is incorporated to monitor the adherence of patient to treatment regimen.
by toll free no. 

I hope it helped. 
(Edit1:- 99DOTS

-Upasana Y. :)

Monday, August 7, 2017

Iodized salt test

Hello :)

We all know that salt is used as a medium for iodization.
Iodized salt is used prophylactically to prevent endemic goiter as public health importance.
Iodide deficiency disorder IDD include :-
- Subnormal intelligence
-Mental retardation
-Neuromuscular weakness
-Hearing and speech defect
-endemic cretinism
-Still birth

To check whether given packet of salt contain iodine or not, we use different method.
Rapid kit test is one of the test.
The kit consist of 2 ampoule  test solution and 1 recheck solution bottle.
In the diagram I made 3 bottles to represent the 3 component of the test.
Alkalinity of salt doesn't give colour. So we use recheck solution in the end of the test .
The colour of the test sample is compared with the standard colour chart for calculating the salt iodine content.

I want to thank my teacher for an explanation :)
-Upasana Y. :)

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Masks and Respirators (Respiratory type of PPE)

Hello :)

Have you ever seen people wearing those mask like thing during certain infections?

I used to consider it some kind of fashion or trend. But now I got to know what those masks are for?
Those are the RESPIRATORY types of the PPE (Personal protective equipment).


It protect against multiple airborne contaminants. 
These are different from surgical masks.

It is used in emergencies like influenza epidemic. Here you need protection from air-borne transmissible diseases.

-Pandemic Flu outbreak
-Avian Flu
-Small pox


-N95 (means the respirator blocks at least 95% of very small (0.3 micron) test particles.)
-High efficiency particulate air (HEPA)
-Powered air purifying respirators (PAPRs)

N95 limitation:-

-they leak 
-Risk reduced but not eliminated
-facial hair compromises seal
-Don't work for Oxygen deficient conditions
-Breathing resistance increases overtime.


The surgical masks are the main barriers to protect the patient against possible infection or contamination of exhaled organism by medical personnel, and in turn are barrier to surgical personnel against possible splashing fluids.

For more details, Click the link below :

It is important for prevention of the community. 
Although the main reason for sudden spread and increased mortality are:-
-Delay in reporting to health care centre 
-Further delay in diagnosing the disease and referral services.

 Studies have been done to compare the effectiveness of surgical masks and respirators during Respiratory infection emergency.
That's all for today.

-Upasana Y.  :)

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Image Based MCQ on Health Programs

Hello awesomites!
Yesterday we posted an Image based MCQ on Health Programs.
And as promised here is the answer to the question.
Image Based MCQ
Q. The following image represents:
A. Rashtriya swasthya bima yojana
B. Mid day meal program
C. Integrated child development service
D. Mission Indradhanush

The correct answer is B. Mid day meal program.

Option A-
Option C-

Option D-

Thank you. 
MD Mobarak Hussain (Maahii) 

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Hypervitaminosis A mnemonic


Here's a mnemonic to remember the features of Hypervitaminosis A.

The mnemonic is, "H.A.R.D. Puzzle."
H - Hepatosplenomegaly, Hair sparse, Hyperostosis
A - Anemia, Anorexia
R - Really painful bones
D - Dry skin
Puzzle - Pseudotumor cerebri

Thank you.

MD Mobarak Hussain (Maahii)

Monday, May 15, 2017

Friday, May 5, 2017

Maternal factors for IUGR mnemonic


The maternal factors that increase the risk of Intrauterine Growth Restriction ( IUGR ) in unborn babies ( small - for - dates ) include : MATERNAL RISK

M - Malnutrition / Multiparity
A - Anaemia ( severe )
T - Toxaemias of pregnancy
E - Excess physical activity
R - Raised blood pressure
N - Narrow birth spacing
A - Alcohol intake ( excess ) / Age ( young )
L - Low socio - economic scale

R - Recreational drug use
I - Infections
S - Smoking / Short stature

Thats all
- Jaskunwar Singh

Kangaroo mother care mnemonic


Components of Kangaroo mother care mnemonic : Baby Kangaroo HOPS in its mother's pouch ;p

H - Healthy diet provision ( breast - feeding )
O - Outpatient care ( due to early discharge )
P - Positioning of baby close to mother's chest
S - Support to mother and family

Thats all
- Jaskunwar Singh

Pigment producing mycobacteria mnemonic

There are these two mycobacteria which produce pigments- M. gordonae and M. szulgai in the dark. How to remember them?

1. A garden contains flowers which
are colourful. So you can remember M. gordonae that way.

2. Szulgai matches 'Nilgai' which is an Indian local word for the Indian
bluebuck/Indian blue bull. So the  involvement of a color in the name can be correlated with pigment production.

That's all!

-Sushrut Dongargaonkar

Friday, April 21, 2017

Adult ADHD : A Clinical Overview

Hey Awesomites

Attention - Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( ADHD ) is a mental health disorder that usually occurs in childhood and continues into adulthood. The symptoms in adults may not be as clear as in children. In India, there are more than 10 million cases of adult ADHD per year.

In adults, the symptoms of hyperactivity may decrease, but the characteristic features of decreased attention span, mood swings, impulsive behavior, difficulty in communication and language skills, restlessness may still continue to appear.

Now lets talk about the signs. The WHO has lately released a set of six questions to test the adults for signs of ADHD - Adult Self - Report Scale Screener (ASRS) is a self - screening questionnaire that you can use to determine if you might have ADHD. The answers to these questions predict the people suffering from this disorder and is a simple way of screening :

1. How often do you have difficulty in concentrating on what the other person is saying to you, directly as well as indirectly ?

2. How often do you leave your seat when you are in a group or meetings in which you are expected to remain seated?

3. How often do you have difficulty in unwinding and relaxing when you have time to yourself ?

4. When you are in a conversation, how often do you find yourself finishing sentences of the people you are talking to before they can finish them themselves?

5. How often do you put things off until the last minute?

6. How often do you depend on others to keep your life in order and attend to details?

- The answers to these set of questions can be 'never', 'rarely', 'sometimes', 'often', or 'very often'.
- If the answer to four of the six questions is 'sometimes', 'often' or 'very often' , the person may be considered to have ADHD!

Note that this is a simple way of screening the people for signs of ADHD, and not the diagnostic criteria.

Thats all
- Jaskunwar Singh

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Mnemonico diagnostico : Risk approach to Antenatal cases


'High - risk' antenatal cases contribute to 70 - 80% of perinatal morbidity and mortality rates. The screening and diagnostic tests to evaluate and identify such cases is a must so as to provide special care to the mother - child duo. Risk approach for antenatal cases according to WHO includes : ( mnemonic - RISK APPROACH )

Monday, April 17, 2017

Mnemonico diagnostico : Vitamin D deficient Rickets

Hey Awesomites

The clinical features specific for Rickets due to vitamin D deficiency are : Vit D BHP RICKETS

V - Visceroptosis ( due to ligament laxity )
D - DEXA scan / low bone Density
B - Bossing of skull
H - Harrison's groove
P - Ping pong ball sensation
R - Rachitic rosary
I - Iron deficiency and other anemias
C - Coxa vara
K - Kyphosis
E - Eruption of teeth ( delayed )
T - Thoracolumbar ( Lordosis )
S - Sternum and ribs protrusion ( Pigeon chest )

Thats all
- Jaskunwar Singh

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Mnemonico diagnostico : Klinefelter's syndrome

Hey Awesomites

Criteria for diagnosis of Klinefelter's syndrome in males mnemonic : KLINEFELTER

K - (K) Cryptorchidism
L - Leydig cells hypertrophy
I - Increased gonadotrophins
N - Negative/ Positive chromatism (aberrations)
E - Elongated legs
F - Failure of secondary sexual characters
E - Eunuchoidism
L - Late pubic hair
T - Testicular failure
E - Erectile dysfunction / Elbow deformities
R - Retardation (mental)

Thats all
- Jaskunwar Singh

Non Contraceptive uses of the Condom

Hi everyone. So we know what we use a condom for generally :p
But there are a few non Contraceptive uses for this magical device that prevents babies :').

So here goes -

1. Prevention of STD's.
2. Can be used in Balloon Tamponade to control PPH.
3. Used to cover the USG probe inserted into the female tract.
4. Can be used as a mould for the vagina during Vulvoplasty.
5. Women with Anti Sperm antibodies during the initial phase. (Controversial).

So that's about it.
We know no 5 more reasons to use condoms !
Go get em ; )
Happy studying.
Stay awesome.

~ A.P.Burkholderia

Monday, February 27, 2017

Dealing with psm

This was a question from one of our to how to deal with psm.

Personally I too have dealt with a lot of trauma related to it. So I will share you my own tips and tricks.

Just keep this basic funda in your head while dealing psm. YOU DONT HAVE TO READ EVERYTHING.

Never start reading psm chapters from the very first page. You will be lost in a whirlpool so huge and exhaust yourself to the limits in a matter of hours..and you are bound to never touch the book again.

Now how to approach it..if say your professor is teaching a chapter on contraceptives. Just go through ONLY last three year worth questions..and mark out all the questions just for contraceptives. Never do the whole ten years or five years  questions together. Cause you will end up marking the whole book..and that depresses you. So first start last three years.

Once you have done the marking. Psm has one lovely plus point..that apart from the humongous also has charts and diagrams. READ the diagrams first..the flow charts those should be the ones you should learn first. And for answers who don't have flow charts..and have things like components and sub headings of this and that and shit..I suggest just mugg up the names of the sub topics. Just the names only. Make mnemonics, make weird whatever but you need to learn them.
This trick is important cause think of your examiner. He is tired of reading the same old answers over and over again. So if you go ahead and make beautiful flow charts..or if you just emphasise on the various components and sub headings itself..your job is half done.

And regarding the actual reading of the text. Do it later when you feel more confident..and that time also just stick to the specific answers from previous yr papers.

psm is crazy huge..I have learnt that during exams it was more easy to make up matter to write for psm..but what I didn't remember was that one word of the sub headings or details of the flow chart.
And that's where you go wrong.

Let me know if it helped you and also if any other doubts.
