Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Mnemonico diagnostico : Risk approach to Antenatal cases


'High - risk' antenatal cases contribute to 70 - 80% of perinatal morbidity and mortality rates. The screening and diagnostic tests to evaluate and identify such cases is a must so as to provide special care to the mother - child duo. Risk approach for antenatal cases according to WHO includes : ( mnemonic - RISK APPROACH )

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Prader-Willi syndrome and Angelman syndrome mnemonic

Hello! Let me start with the mnemonic and then I'll explain these syndromes in detail.

Hypersensitivity types mnemonics

Hypersensitivity types are:

Type 1 RTA pathophysiology, notes and mnemonic

Hello! This post is on type 1 renal tubular acidosis.

What causes Type 1 RTA?
Defective H+ ion secretion in the distal tubule.
Impairment in H+ ions secretion result in an inability to acidify the pH beyond 5.5 (Used in the diagnosis of type 1 RTA)

The plasma bicarbonate is significantly reduced and may fall below 10 meq/L.
These patients tend to have urinary K+ wasting and hypokalemia (thought to be due to increased potassium secretion by distal tubular cells in the setting of diminished H+ ion secretion.)

What type of RTA is associated with an enhanced chance if nephrolithiasis?
Distal or type 1 RTA can cause nephrocalcinosis / calcium oxalate kidney stones.
Mnemonic: ONE predisposes to stONEs

Pathophysiology: Hypercalciuria, hyperphosphatemia, nephrolithiasis (calcium phosphate stones) and nephrocalcinosis are frequently associated with untreated type 1 RTA. The hypercalciuria is thought to be due to:
1) increased calcium phosphate release from bone as a result of bone buffering of excess acid and
2) reduction in tubular calcium reabsorption secondary to chronic acidosis.
The hypercalciuria, alkaline urine, and reduced excretion of citrate in the urine (which normally prevents calcium crystallization) promote the precipitation of calcium phosphate and stone formation.

Which conditions are associated with type 1 RTA?
diStal RTA is associated with the 3 S's:

Sickle cell anemia

Treatment: Bicarbonate administration

That's all!

Monday, April 17, 2017

Mnemonico diagnostico : Vitamin D deficient Rickets

Hey Awesomites

The clinical features specific for Rickets due to vitamin D deficiency are : Vit D BHP RICKETS

V - Visceroptosis ( due to ligament laxity )
D - DEXA scan / low bone Density
B - Bossing of skull
H - Harrison's groove
P - Ping pong ball sensation
R - Rachitic rosary
I - Iron deficiency and other anemias
C - Coxa vara
K - Kyphosis
E - Eruption of teeth ( delayed )
T - Thoracolumbar ( Lordosis )
S - Sternum and ribs protrusion ( Pigeon chest )

Thats all
- Jaskunwar Singh

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Difference between Duodenal and Gastric Ulcer

Hello everyone, let’s talk about the ever confusing difference between Duodenal and Gastric Ulcer. Both the ulcers are a type of Peptic Ulcer which occurs due the action of acid resulting in the damage of alimentary mucosa. The main cause for both of them could be infection with H. pylori or intake of NSAIDs.

Mnemonico diagnostico : Klinefelter's syndrome

Hey Awesomites

Criteria for diagnosis of Klinefelter's syndrome in males mnemonic : KLINEFELTER

K - (K) Cryptorchidism
L - Leydig cells hypertrophy
I - Increased gonadotrophins
N - Negative/ Positive chromatism (aberrations)
E - Elongated legs
F - Failure of secondary sexual characters
E - Eunuchoidism
L - Late pubic hair
T - Testicular failure
E - Erectile dysfunction / Elbow deformities
R - Retardation (mental)

Thats all
- Jaskunwar Singh

Non Contraceptive uses of the Condom

Hi everyone. So we know what we use a condom for generally :p
But there are a few non Contraceptive uses for this magical device that prevents babies :').

So here goes -

1. Prevention of STD's.
2. Can be used in Balloon Tamponade to control PPH.
3. Used to cover the USG probe inserted into the female tract.
4. Can be used as a mould for the vagina during Vulvoplasty.
5. Women with Anti Sperm antibodies during the initial phase. (Controversial).

So that's about it.
We know no 5 more reasons to use condoms !
Go get em ; )
Happy studying.
Stay awesome.

~ A.P.Burkholderia

How to remember Hepatitis B is associated with membranous glomerulonephritis

Writing this post because I confused it with focal segmental glomerulonephritis yesterday.

Hepatitis B is associated with membranous glomerulonephritis.

Mnemonic: Happy memory - Heppy membory - Hepatitis B Membranous nephropathy :D

That's all!

Bromocriptine : Utility Review

Hi everyone ! Here's a brief review on the drug Bromocriptine which happens to be one of my favorite drugs. So here goes.

- Bromocriptine is a Dopaminergic agonist , specifically acting on the D2 Receptors.

- It is a very widely used drug , with various and multi systemic uses.

Uses :

1. Parkinson's disease.
- Bromocriptine and other D2 agonists like Rotigotine , Ropinirole and Pramipexole can be used to treat Parkinsonism.
- They act by providing a sort of  replacement for the depleted dopamine in the circuits of the basal ganglia.
- They are quite effective , especially in case of L Dopa resistance , or deterioration of symptoms when on L dopa.

2. Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome.
- NMS is perhaps caused by D2 blockade due to drugs like Haloperidol and Fluphenazine.
- Thus it makes sense if you give this D2 agonist to treat this disorder.

3. Hyperprolactinemia.
- Dopamine acts as a Prolactin Inhibitory Factor (PIF) at the Hypthalamo-Pituitary level.
- In cases of Hyperprolactinemia where there is gynecomastia and galactorrhea,  giving D2 agonists counteracts the elevated prolactin levels.
- Thus it's useful in Anti psychotic/ Metoclopramide induced Hyperprolactinemia.
- Can be used in Ovulation induction due to elevated prolactin by a Pituitary adenoma.

4. Diabetes Mellitus.
- Bromocriptine modulates the Dopaminergic discharge at the Hypothalamus level.
- This modulates the circadian rhythm and resets the abnormal metabolic drive of the Hypothalamus and reduces the insulin resistance.
- The specific Quick Release formulation is used for this indication.
- It may be used in conjunction with Insulin and does not cause hypoglycemia.
- It cannot however be used for DKA

5. Acromegaly.
- Inhibits the excess Growth Hormone secretion by acting at the Hypothalamus level.

Hope this helped !
Happy studying and stay awesome!
~ A.P.Burkholderia

Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome : A Crisp Overview

Hi everyone ! So I recently saw a patient who possibly had Neuroleptic malignant syndrome. So I though I would do a post on it !

1. The Syndrome -

NMS is an idiosyncratic reaction to Anti psychotic drugs. It causes a host of symptoms like Rigidity , Hyperpyrexia and altered consciousness.

2. The Etiology -

- All Antipsychotic drugs can cause NMS. But most commonly implicated are Haloperidol, Fluphenazine and Chlorpromazine.
- Especially at risk are those taking Depot preparations.
- Even lithium in high doses can precipitate this.
- Atypical Antipsychotic drugs have a lower propensity to cause this.

3. The Pathophysiology -
- Although largely speculative , the cause is said to be the dopaminergic blockade by the anti psychotic drugs.
- Blockade of D2 in Hypothalamus is responsible for the Behavioral and Temperature changes.
- Blockade of D2 in the basal ganglia ( nigro striatal pathway) causes the Rigidity.
- increased muscular activity can cause muscle break down.

4. The Clinical Features

- generally within 4-10 days after starting the Antipsychotic drug. But can even occur years later.
- Hyperthermia ( Hypothalamus is conked off )
- Lead pipe Rigidity ( Basal ganglia are screwed)
- Altered mental state - delirious.
- Sweating/ Diaphoresis  ( compensation for high temp)
- Tachycardia
- Dyspnea
- Urinary incontinence
- Dysphagia
- Pallor.

Symptoms develop over a period of 24-72 hours.

5. Tests -
- Creatine Phosphokinase (CPK MM) is raised
- Leukocytosis
- Low Iron
- Deranged LFT and LDH

( Can be used to differentiate from serotonin syndrome)

- Diagnosis requires Hyperthermia + Rigidity +   2  other features ( including riased leukocytes and CK MM)

6. Management -
- Ventilatory support if needed
- stop Antipsychotic drugs.
- Anti pyrectics . Ice packs. Cooling blankets.
- Specific -->
Dantrolene - Muscle relaxant and Hyperthermia management. 400 mg/D.

- Bromocriptine - D2 agonist.

- ECT may be needed.

Hope this was helpful ! Happy studying and Stay awesome.

~ A.P.Burkholderia

Reversible Causes of Dementia : Mnemonic

Hi everyone ! This is a short post on causes of dementia that can be corrected. This is very important as most causes other than these have no available treatment ! (One Reversible cause of dementia is the Demeantor's kiss ;;) Treat using  Expectro Patronum)

So the medically treatable causes include the following.

Remember : ABCD2E

- Alcoholism
- Vitamin B deficiency - Thiamine / Niacin /B12
- CNS infections - HIV , Chronic Meningoencephalitis , Whipple Disease, Neurosyphilis.
- Depression
- Drug induced
- Endocrine - Thyroid disturbances

Let's look at how these can be corrected medically.
- A = Alcohol abuse. May be a result of Alcoholic delirium/ Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. So the management would include giving Thiamine to the patient , and alcohol withdrawal using Disulfiram ans other anti craving drugs like Ondansetron, Acamprosate, Topiramate and Naltrexone.

- Vitamin B Deficiency = Thiamine deficiency we've seen above.
Niacin Deficiency causes 3 D's - Diarrhea , Dermatitis and Dementia. So treat that using Niacin.
B12 Deficiency and possibly folic acid can also cause Dementia.

- CNS Infections = They cause transient cognitive changes that are reversible on treating the disease.

- Depression = may cause depressive pseudodementia or even true dementia. (pseudo dementia = no confabulation or impaired recent memory)

- Drug induced = Chronic use of drugs like BDZ , Opiates and TCA's.

- Endocrine = Hypothyroidism is notorious to cause Dementia.


The surgically correctable causes are below.
Remember = T2 H2

- Tumors  (esp frontal lobe tumors )
- Trauma (Subdural Hematoma)
- Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (NPH)
- Hydrocephalus

- Tumors are resected surgically.
-  For the hydrocephalus group , ventriculo peritoneal shunting is performed.
- NPH = Triad of symptoms showing Gait disturbances , Urinary incontinence and Dementia. (GUD)

Hope this post helped you and didn't leave you too demented. !  If it did, have some chocolate like Lupin would offer ;;)
Happy studying.
Stay awesome.

~ A.P.Burkholderia

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Fact of the day: Nightmares are a warning for serious mental problems


Not one or two, but frequent nightmares are major caveats for underlying serious mental problems. Rapid Eye Movement sleep disorder is a rare disorder that causes the person to act violently during dreamy state. This may be a warning sign for major neurologic disorders like Parkinson's and neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's !!

Night owls are more likely to have frequent sleep and mood disturbances than the early sleepers. Evidences suggest people suffering from nightmares and related sleep disorders are more likely to have suicidal tendencies than those not, in addition to other contributing factors.

- Jaskunwar Singh