Showing posts with label Cardiowesome. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cardiowesome. Show all posts

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Clopidogrel is associated with diffuse alveolar hemorrhage


Effusive-Constrictive Pericarditis notes

 The visceral pericardium is usually prominently involved.

In typical cardiac tamponade, right atrial pressures normalize after pericardiocentesis. Conversely, in ECP, increased right atrial pressure persists post-centesis, with constrictive features surfacing after the pericardial fluid has been drained (initially described as the development of deep x and y descents on right atrial tracings following pericardiocentesis).

The diagnosis of ECP is based on invasive hemodynamics, defined by right atrial pressures failing to drop below 10 mmHg or by ≥50% post-pericardiocentesis.

The most common causes of ECP are idiopathic, malignancy, radiation, post-pericardiotomy, and connective tissue diseases. Tuberculosis is the leading cause in sub-Saharan Africa.

In idiopathic and post-pericardiotomy cases, antiinflammatory treatment as described for non-effusive CP may provide a gratifying result with avoidance of pericardiectomy. Still, no guidance is available regarding a specific approach. 

A pericardiectomy is ultimately required in many patients.


Monday, October 30, 2023

Types of radioactive decay mnemonic

Alpha decay
2 protons, 2 neutrons (Helium atom)
Mnemonic: AH

Beta decay
Electron, high energy is emitted
Mnemonic: BE

That's all! 


Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Lead impedance change threshold and cause

Low lead impedance 
< 200 ohms
Indicate insulation breach
Usually inner insulation in a bipolar coaxial lead

High lead impedance 
> 2000 ohms
Indicate open circuit
Lead fracture or loose set screw

Friday, August 4, 2023

Threshold for surgical repair of thoracic aortic aneurysm in patients with Marfan syndrome mnemonic

What is the threshold for surgical repair of thoracic aortic aneurysm in patients with Marfan syndrome? 

5 cm

Marfan, MarFIVE

The threshold for surgical repair in patients with Marfan syndrome is an external diameter of 5 cm. Factors that will prompt repair at a diameter <5 cm include rapid growth of >0.5 cm in 1 year, family history of aortic dissection at a diameter <5 cm, or the presence of significant aortic regurgitation.

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Cardiology board prep study groups

Creating echo boards prep Whatsapp group and general cardiology boards prep Whatsapp group. Please email for details :)

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Transposition of the Great Arteries: D-TGA & L-TGA (congenitally corrected TGA) mnemonic

Here's a mnemonic I made:

D the arteries. 

And L flipped 45 degrees counter clock wise looks like a V for ventricles so ventricles are transpositioned. Ventricles also have C that reminds me it's congenitally corrected. 

That's all! 

-IkaN (Nakeya Dewaswala) 

Saturday, December 24, 2022


In single chamber devices, for ventricular pacing, hysteresis allows a longer cycle length after a sensed event than after a paced beat. 

It helps maintain intrinsic rhythm and preserves battery. 

In summary: Hysteresis is a programmable feature that allows the pacemaker to begin ventricular pacing only if the spontaneous rate falls below a set rate (eg, 50 bpm); then pacing continues at the programmed base rate (60 bpm) unless intrinsic ventricular activity is sensed.

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Low voltage criteria on ECG mnemonic

Entire amplitude of the QRS (R + S wave) must be < 5mm in all limb leads or < 10mm in all precordial leads. How do I remember this? Mnemonic!​

- IkaN (Nakeya Dewaswala)

Friday, January 28, 2022

Quantification of severe mitral regurgitation (MR) mnemonic

Quantification of severe chronic mitral regurgitation mnemonic. 

Courtesy Dr. Mikel Smith

-IkaN (Nakeya Dewaswala Bhopalwala)