: increased age and parity
Family history of twins
Treatment for infertility
2 varieties:dizygotic and monozygotic
MZ twins are of the following variety depending on the time of twinning
1-within 72hrs of fertilization =dichorionic, diamniotic
2-between 4th and 8th day= monochorionic, diamniotic
3-between 8th and 12th day=monochorionic, monoamniotic
4-after 12days=siamese or conjoint twins
Signs for chorionicity on USG:
Dichorionicity:twin peak/lambda sign
Monochorionicity: T sign/inverted T sign
Maternal complications:
Preterm labor
Twin complications:
Conjoined twinning
Twin to twin transfusion syndrome
Acardiac twin
Discordant growth