Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Study group discussion: ECG in MI, potassium abnormalities, infectious diseases, pericarditis

Which is the most definitive sign on ECG that a transmural infarct has occured? 
For transmural is it ST SEgment elevation?
Q wave is the most definitive sign on ECG that a transmural infarct has occured 

One quick question.. Whenever you see diffuse ST segment elevation? Diagnosis?
Pericarditis has characteristic diffuse ST segment elevations in all the leads.

What is ecg sign for hypokalemia and hyperkalemia?

Regarding hyperkalemia and hypokalemia
For hyperkalemia remember peaked T waves
For hypokalemia remember U waves

For hyperkalemia it occurs in characteritic sequence
1) peaked T waves
2) loss of P waves
3) widening of Qrs complexes(sine wave)

Why T wave being a repolarisation wave is also a positive wave?

Its not about depolarisation or repolarisation .
Its the direction of the effective vector component corresponding to the field of the leads that determines whether it will be a positive or a negative wave

Oh yes! Right.

Wave of repolarisation not only being opposite to depolarisation and is also negative in character so this gives t wave positive deflection

Infectious disease causing ecg changes?

Malaria causes st elevation, right?

Lyme disease causes? 
3rd degree AV Block! 

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