Hello :)
Before starting with the series,
I will post on the basics you need to know for myopathies.
Q. What do you mean by muscular
dystrophy and myopathy?
A. I found that following
definition from Harrison is simple.
Skeletal muscle disease myopathies,
are disorder with structural changes or functional impairment of muscle.
Muscular dystrophy refers to a
group of hereditary progressive diseases with unique phenotypic and genetic
Do you know glycogen storage
Yes! But why do you need to mention it here? Because, skeletal muscles are the store
house of glycogen. It gets converted into glucose-6-phosphate (Note:- Never
in glucose unlike liver. Why? Otherwise glucose will move out from the myocyte
to blood. And myocytes will fail to utilize their own stored glycogen. That is why muscle lack an enzyme called glucose-6-phosphatase.)
There are some glycogen storage
disease which will lead to myopathies.
For now remember that myopathies have
different way of presentation.
Muscle weakness is one of the clinical feature.
The muscle weakness can either be
1. Intermittent or 2. Persistent.
If there is energy deficiency in
muscle, it will become weak.
Today, we are focusing mainly on skeletal muscle energy metabolism.
Glycogen storage disease are
described in the Roman numerals. Not all glycogen storage disease lead to
myopathies. Some glycogen storage disease lead to myopathies is mentioned in
the diagram.
-Upasana Y.
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