Friday, January 17, 2020

Facebook: PFT-1

Q1) Which of the following is/are not a contraindications of performing PFT(Pulmonary function test)? 

A) MI within one year

B) Unstable angina

C) Recent thoraco-abdominal surgery

D) Recent ophthalmic surgery

E) Past history of pneumothorax

So correct options are - A and E

Following are contraindications to perform pulmonary function test. 

Mnemonic: UR IRcTC

U- Unstable angina

R- Recent thoracoabdominal surgery

I- Myocardial infarction within the last month

R- Recent ophthalmic surgery

T- Thoracic or abdominal surgery 

C- Current pneumothorax

That's it! 

-Demotional bloke. 

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