This blog will compel all the signs /symptoms Or test related to 'Trendelenburg'. Let us know if you know more of the 'Trendelenburg' in the comment section so we can integrate it here.
Trendelenburg's gait:
A child with unilateral dislocation of hip lurches on the affected side while bearing weight on it. Seen in DDH, poliomyelitis, Superior Gluteal nerve palsy.
Trendelenburg's gait is also known as Abductor gait or lurching gait.
Trendelenburg's test:
Trendelenburg's surgery/procedure:
It is done in GSV and SFJ incompetence. Here flush ligation of SFJ is done. Flush ligation means vein is ligated as close as possible.
Six tributaries also need to be ligated to reduce recurrence rate.
Laterally: Superior circumflex iliac.
Superior epigastric vein.
Medially: Superior external pudendal
Deep external pudendal
Distally: Accessory anterior saphenous vein
Posterior medical thigh vein
Stripping is an additional surgery. Should be done till knee, not below knee to avoid Saphaneous nerve.
Brodie Trendelenburg's test:
It is done to determine the incompetency of the sapheno-femoral valve and incompetency of the communicating vein.
In both the tests, patient is first placed in the recumbent position and his legs are raised to empty the veins. The sapheno-femoral junction is now compressed with the thumb or a torniquet can be used.
1) To check sapheno-femoral valve incompetency, patient is asked to stand up quickly and pressure is released. If varices fill quickly by a column of a blood from above, it indicates incompetency of the sapheno-femoral valve. This is called Trendelenburg test.
2) To test communicating system, pressure is not released but maintain for 1 min. Gradual filling of the veins indicates incompetency of communicating veins.
That's it
-Demotional bloke.
Trendelenburg position also