Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Study group discussion: Competitive and non competitive inhibition

Define Km value of an enzyme.

In types of enzyme inhibition..Where does the value km and where does the value Vmax decrease?

It is the substrate concentration at which reaction rate is half the maximum rate.

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In types of enzyme inhibition..Where does the value km and where does the value Vmax decrease?

Vmax decreases in non competitive inhibiton.

Kmax in competitive.

There is one more thing.. Uncompetitive inhibition.
Anybody knows about that?

Some placental enzyme inhibited by phenylalanine. Donno for sure.

Biochemistry.. It's fun when you have recently read it.


  1. Uncompetitive Inhibition--- The inhibition in which inhibitor don't directly bind with the enzyme. Inhibitors bind with the E-S complex and product is not formed. There is no similarity of the inhibitor with the substrate. Vmax and Km get reduced. Example, Phenyl alanine inhibits placental Alkaline Phosphate. Thats all I know about it...


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