Monday, August 29, 2016

CT appearance of subdural and epidural hematoma mnemonic


Subdural is crescent or semilunar shaped.
Epidural is biconvex lens shaped.

Add captionCT appearance of subdural and epidural hematoma mnemonic for USMLE
Other distinguishing points:
Epidural is outside dura matter.
Subdural is between dura and arachnoid matter.

Middle meningeal artery is most likely involved in Epidural hematoma.
Bridging veins are usually involved in Subdural hematoma.

A lucid interval is seen in epidural hematoma.
In subdural hematoma, there is gradually increasing headache and confusion.

That's all!
Be kind =)

Submitted by PP:
Epidural is lEns shaped or lEnticular or lEmon shaped.
Subdural is Semilunar or banana shaped.

Submitted by Kumar:
E for epidural --> The central horizontal line of "E" helps me to remember that Epidural crosses Falx cerebri!

Submitted by Jay:

Thank you, guys! :)


  1. Good one Ikan.
    E for epidural--> The central horizontal line of "E" helps me to remember that Epidural crosses Falx cerebri !

  2. Epidural is suture limited and subdural is not ..and hence the biconvex shape of epidural ... Suture limitation also helps its differentiation on MRI


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