Here's a short Mnemonic/Review of Important facts about Croup - Acute Tracheobronchitis !
Remember :
C - Common respiratory disease
R - Respiratory viruses like Parainfluenza
O - Oxygen Treatment (Humidified)
U - Ugly Cough - Barking / Seal like cough
P - Prodrome of illness followed by Inspiratory Stridor
S - Steeple sign on X Ray
It's helpful to remember Acute EPIGLOTTITIS as the complete opposite of CROUPS using similar ideas.
- Not as common.
- Caused by Bacteria generally (Strep , Hib)
- Oxygen Therapy + AntiBiotics
- Ugly - Sniffing dog like position + Drooling
- Prodrome not particularly, but Stormy acute onset.
- Shows Thumb print appearance on X Ray.
Hope this helped !
Happy Studying !
Stay awesome.
~ A.P.Burkholderia