Sunday, April 28, 2019

Internship dairies: Finding a vein

So here's a quick post in support of Internship Diaries. I would like to give you advice on how to do blood draws and insert IV lines.

First of all, learn properly before you try it on another human being. Watch YouTube videos, learn by observing.

Second, the tourniquet is your friend. If you don't have a tourniquet, use a glove instead. It will make the veins more plump.

Third. Feel the vein before you attempt to insert the needle or cannula. FEEL IT.

Be patient and take your time. It's better to spend 30 seconds extra than to poke somebody and spend five minutes more trying to find a vein.

I know that this is phlebotomy and nursing advice and it may not be needed in hospitals where the ancillary staff does it.

But hey, hope this helps! :)

PS: I just realized I've written a longer post before here:


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