Hello Awesomites!
The aim is to help the students who want to give upcoming NEET PG Exam and are clueless about how to plan and prepare ?
I know my friend struggling day in and out for life in Covid wards. Exams doesn't matter now.
When they will have time in hand I want to help them out with plan beforehand. They are already brilliant enough to have been through all the challenges. :)
I know you can't predict what is important for this or next exams. Atleast with time in hand you can glance through some topics that contribute 70% of any exam. I am sharing the list 1st year subject I made during my preparation.
The aim is to help the students who want to give upcoming NEET PG Exam and are clueless about how to plan and prepare ?
I know my friend struggling day in and out for life in Covid wards. Exams doesn't matter now.
When they will have time in hand I want to help them out with plan beforehand. They are already brilliant enough to have been through all the challenges. :)
I know you can't predict what is important for this or next exams. Atleast with time in hand you can glance through some topics that contribute 70% of any exam. I am sharing the list 1st year subject I made during my preparation.
- Embryology
- Pharyngeal arches
- Neural crest derivatives
- Oogenesis and spermatogenesis
- Notochord and remnants
- Extraembryonic mesoderm
- Diaphragm
- Cardiovascular system ( Abnormal subclavian artery)
- Urogenital system
- Histology
- Cerebellum
- Osteoblasts
- Urinary bladder epithelium
- Cell junctions
- Collagen types
- cartilage
- Tonsil,Lymph nodes, spleen,thymus
- Stomach glands
- Skin with sebaceous glands
- Connective tissue types
- Retina
- Salivary gland
- Fornix
- Corpus callosum
- Cranial nerves and its lesion
- Brainstem syndromes (lateral medullary )
- Foramen of skull
- Facial nerve and trigeminal nerve
- blood brain barrier
- Functional area and functional columns
- Parasympathetic ganglion
- Phrenic nerve and vagus
- Compartments of lower limb with nerve and blood supply
- Blood supply of thyroid,oesophagus,ureter,Anal canal
- Waldeyer ring
- External carotid artery
- Circle of willis
- Muscle of eye
- Brachial plexus (Sensory and motor supply of upper limb)
- Perineum
- Cruciate ligaments
- Vocal cords
- Mediastinum
- IVC tributaries
- Cavernous sinus and superior orbital fissure
- Splanchanic plexus
- Inborn error of metabolism (Types,Enzyme deficient,hallmark feature,Investigation of choice and treatment)
- Rate limiting step
- Carbohydrate metabolism (Glycolysis,Glycogen storage disease,Glucogenesis,glycogenolysis,PFK-1)
- Lipid metabolism ( Hyperlipoproteinemia and hypolipoproteinemia)
- Vitamin (Coenzyme)
- Electron transport chain inhibitor
- Heme metabolism and Porphyria
- Ketone body formation
- Urea cycle disorder
- Competitive, non competitive and allosteric inhibitors
- Mitochondrial disorders
- Amino acid disorder
- Lead poisoning
- Translation process
- Receptors
- Neurotransmitter and functions
- Second messenger
- Reflexes
- Baroreceptors and chemorecptors
- Spirometry
- Counter current exchanger and multiplier
- Factors affecting compliance of lung
- Action potential
- Smooth muscle and cardiac muscle
- Channels and types
- GIT hormones
- Tracts and lesions(brown sequerd syndrome)
- LH,FSH,GH and insulin glucagon
- Ballistics (Bullet ranges)
- Identification (female male, blood sample)
- Recent amendments in acts (POCSO act, MTP Act)
- Application of IPC,CrPC sections
- Postmortem changes
- Dentition And Xray of wrist elbow and pelvis to determine age
- Injuries -fracture of skull, RTA, Bruise
- Toxicology- Plant based image, Preservation of viscera, Snakes,Arsenic, OP poisoning,Mercury,cadmium,Cardiac poison
- Consent
- Grievous hurt and murder vs culpable homicide
- Seminal stains
- Dowry death and Rape
- Battered baby syndrome
- Plant Toxicology (castor,abrus,strychnine,Dhatura,Aconite,Oleander,Calotropis,Opium,Cannabis)
- Breast cancer, Lung cancer and Ovarian and testicular cancer
- CD markers
- Hemolytic anemia
- Vasculitis
- Endocarditis And MI
- Types of hypersensitivity reaction
- Platelet and coagulation disorder(ITP,TTP,hemophilias,vWD)
- Stains And vacutainers
- Transfusion reaction
- Graft rejction
- Crohns vs Ulcerative colitis
- Necrosis, apoptosis and its variant
- Mode of inheritance
- Leukemia and lymphoma prognostic markers
- Renal histology and gross
- Liver histology and gross
- CNS tumors
- Antimicrobial Drug of choice and mechanism of action
- Classification - aminoglycoside , MRSA And drugs for cystic fibrosis
- Hypolipidemic Agents
- Asthma ( New drugs and guidelines)
- Arthritis (RA and gout)
- General pharmacology ( Pharmacokinetics,clinical trial,Pharmacodynamics)
- Concentration dependent kinetics and time dependent kinetics and post antibiotic effect
- Anti TB drugs
- Anti viral and anti HIV (anti hep B and C)
- Anti fungal
- CVS- MI ,HF, angina managment
- Endocrine- DM,Osteoporosis,SERM,SERD,Gnrh agonist
- GIT-Constipation (opioid induced,IBS related) ,Diarrhea,peptic ulcer
- CNS-Anti epileptic, Sedative,lithium toxicity,neurodegenerative disorder, side effect
- ANS- Emergency medicines,anaphylaxis, receptors ,poisoning
- Chemotherapy-Anticancer,monoclonal antibody,small molecules,kinase inhibitors
- Prostaglandins
- Insulin
- Sterilisation and disinfection (Indicator)
- Immunology (Antibody,complement deficiency,Primary immunodeficiency)
- Latest outbreaks (Zika,Congohemorrhagic fever,Ebola,Corona)
- Sexually transmitted infections
- Vectors
- Parasitology -Eggs
- Congenital infections-Toxoplasmosis,congenital syphillis,rubella,herpes,varicella
- HPV infection,HHV-8
- Bioterrorism
- Larva migrans,larva currens (cutaneous and visceral)
- CD4 counts and Opportunistic infection
- HIV and TB
- Food poisoning
- Atypical bacteria treatment and infection
- Dimorphic fungi
- Actinomycosis,Botryomycosis and eumycetoma
- Meningitis
- Exanthematous disease
- Neisseria,diphtheria,Listeria,bacillus anthrax,legionella,campylobacter jejuni
- Bacterial virulence factors,growth factors
- Rickettsial disease, spirochetes(weils ds)
- Drug resistance mechanism
Following is the list of 3rd year topics.
- Surveillance programs
- Sensitivity, specificity,PPV and NPV (Screening of disease)
- Types of studies
- Odds ratio and relative risk ratio
- Bias
- Sampling
- Biostatistics- central tendency (Box and whisker plot )
- Level of prevention
- Vaccine and types (Toxoid and live attenuated)
- Demography and family planning
- Biomedical waste
- Health programmes ( RNTCP, HIV)
- Communication
- Nutrition and related programmes
- Disaster
- Null hypothesis,P value and alpha value
- Confidence limit
- Refractive errors (Astigmatism)
- Surgery and post op complication(Glaucoma,cataract,squint)
- Conjuctivitis
- Corneal ulcer (Bacterial,fungal and herpetic) (Stains)
- ROP and systemic retinopathy (Hypertensive and diabetic retinopathy)
- Retinitis pigmentosa and syndromes
- Retinal detachment and cause
- Retinoblastoma
- Strabismus
- Optic neuritis
- Visual field defect
- Blow out fracture and trauma to eye
- Glaucoma and drugs(Contraindication and indication)
- Managment of ptosis
- Light reflex and accomodation reflex and pupil
- 3,4,6 Cranial nerve
- OCT ,Fluorescein angiograhy,tonometers,charts,
- Sudden loss of vision and gradual loss of vision differentials
- Appearance of tympanic membrane in various disease
- Surgery (Tonsillectomy,Adenoidectomy,Mastoidectomy)
- Paranasal sinus
- CSF rhinorrhea
- Laryngeal disease (Papilloma,vocal cord paralysis, laryngeal muscles action, laryngeal cancers)
- Tracheostomy
- Abscess
- Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
- Juvenile angiofibroma
- Test of hearing and vertigo
- Otosclerosis
- Cochlear implants
- Oral cavity cancers
- cervical Lymph node and neck dissections
- Pre-eclampsia (Definitions)
- PPH (prophylaxis and treatment)
- Perineal tear (Types and managment)
- Diabetes and anomalies scan
- Shoulder dystocia maneuvers
- Molar pregnancy (High risk and low risk for GTN)
- Ectopic (Diagnosis, Investigation and managment)
- Abortions
- Recurrent pregnancy loss (Investigations and causes)
- Cervical incompetence
- Diagnosis and physiological changes of pregnancy
- Abruptio vs placenta previa vs Vasa previa
- Heart disease
- MgSO4 and drug
- Fetal monitoring -NST,BPP,doppler
- Twins and complications
- Labor-stages,partogram
- Placenta types and associated pathology
- Rh incompatibility
- Amenorrhea (primary and secondary)
- Mullerian anomalies (Class)
- Asherman, AIS,Gonadectomy indication
- Puberty and precocious puberty
- Menopause (Hormone replacement therapy guidelines)
- Postmenopausal bleeding and premature ovarian failure (Levels of FSH)
- Semen analysis (Evaluation and IUI and TESE)
- PCOS -Diagnosis,drugs
- Endometriosis
- Cervical,vulval,ovarian,endometrial cancer,Fibroid
- Krukenberg
- Prolapse
- Emergency contaceptives
- Absolute contraindications in whole subject
- Female sterilisation
- Developmental milestones
- Neonatal reflexes
- Neonatal resuscitation
- Jaudice,sepsis,Hyaline membrane disease
- Congenital infections-TORCH
- Vaccines(IAP and NIS)
- Diarrhea,pneumonia,dehydration managment
- Pediatric epilepsy
- Febrile seizure (Risk factors,recurrent risk,prohylaxis)
- Severe acute malnutrition
- Rickets
- meningitis
- Neuro-Cerebral palsy and neurocutaneous syndrome
- Pediatric vasculitis-HSP and Kawasaki Disease
- Nephrotic syndrome
- Congenital heart disease( VSD,TOF,TGA and ductus dependent CHD)
- Trisomies
- Hypoxic Ischemic encephalopathy VS Periventricular leukomalacia
- Fluid managment including shock managment in children
- Childhood pneumonia, Epiglottitis, Acute laryngotracheobronchitis
- Microcephaly and macrocephaly
- Hydrocephalus and Neural tube defect
- Fetal alcohol syndrome,warfarin syndrome
- IV anesthetic agents (Propofol)
- Day care surgery (Drug of choice)
- Venous air embolism
- Local anesthetic (Remember concentration also)
- Vaporisers color
- Inhalational agents
- Monitoring (Capnography)
- Color coding of cylinder
- Circuits
- Mallampati and ASA grading
- Premedication duration of stoppage and continuation
- Muscle relaxant
- Airway devices
- Endotracheal tube (formula)
- Epidural vs spinal anesthesia (Level of blocks)
- Modes of ventilation
- Pigmentation Diseases
- Hyperpigmentation
- Nevus (Nevus of ota/mongolian spot/CMN/AMN)
- Melasma
- Acanthosis nigricans
- Becker nevus
- Hypopigmentation -PKDL/Pityriasis versicolor/alba/Hansens
- Depigmentation-Vitiligo/Contact leukoderma
- Signs (Auspitz,nikolsky,bulla spread sign)
- Histopathology of psoriasis and lichen planus
- Mast cell disorder-Urticaria pigmentosa image
- Papulosquamous disease - Psoriasis ,lichen planus
- Treatment of Psoriasis
- STD (Syphillis,chancroid,donovanosis,Herpes genitalis,syndromic approach)
- Microbiology of STD organism( Dark ground,school of fish,Tzanck smear,Donovan body,Gonococcus)
- Drug Reaction -Fixed drug eruption, erythema multiforme,SJS/TEN
- Blistering disease
- Pemphigus(clinical treatment)
- Bullos pemphigoid
- dermatitis herpetiformis
- Histopathology of blister level and Direct immunofluorescence image
- Infections
- Fungal (Tinea /pityriasis versicolor)
- Hansens
- TB
- Viral (HPV/HHV/Molluscum contagiosum)
- Hair disease-Alopecia images,DLE,trichotillomania
- Acne,Rosacea
- cutaneous markers of internal malignancy
- Emergency radiology-RTA,splenic injury,FAST,Perforation
- Radiological anatomy especially applied aspect
- CNS tumor
- Bone tumor
- Radiation physics and acute radiation syndrome
- Radiotherapy basics
- Contrast in various studies
- USG and doppler
- Doppler waveforms
- Knee joint (Everything)
- Shoulder dislocation
- Bone (Oncology+radiological picture)
- Pediatric Hip(Rdaiology +managment)
- Infections(TB,Osteomyelitis)
- Tennis elbow and dequeverian
- Eponyms and test
- Blood supply of femur
- Pseudoarthrosis
- Genu varum/valgus,cubitus varus/valgus
- malunion
- Instruments
- Glasgow coma scale (Changes)
- Burn
- Cannula color coding
- Triage
- Trauma
- Incisions,suture,foleys,NG tube,Knots,Scores
- Latest updates in breast cancer,thyroid and hepatobiliary cancers,Pancreatic cancer,stomach,colorectal cancer
- Bed sores staging
- Renal stones managment
- Gall stone managment and surgical complication
- Bariatric surgery
- Acute pancreatitis managment
- Upper GI and lower GI bleed management and causes
- Aortic aneurysm
- Meckel diverticulum
- Wound classification
- Cancer-(Breast,rectum,stomach,oesophagus,HCC,prostate,thyroid)
- Cancer follow up duration
- Carcinoid and GIST and gastrinoma
- ECG visuals
- Cardiac emergencies-Arrest,Unstable angina,MI,Arrhythmia,Dissection
- Respiratory emergency-Pulmonary embolism,pneumothorax,Asthma
- Stroke
- Meningitis (Bacterial,viral,aseptic)
- Approach to patient in Coma
- Seizure
- Electrolyte imbalance
- Hypertension and its emergency and management
- Murmurs and valvular lesions
- Pericardial d/o
- hepatitis(Viral,autoimmune)
- Non alcoholic and alcoholic liver disease
- Glomerular disease
- DM (management of different complications)
- Neurodegenerative d/o ,neuropathy,myopathy
- Septic shock guidelines
- Poisoning
- New asthma guidelines
- RTA and Inherited channelopathies
- MEN syndrome
- SIADH, DI,Pheochromocytoma
- AIDS defining illness
- Connective tissue disorder
- Infective endocarditis and rheumatic heart disease
- Prakinson and alzheimers
- IBS,UC ,Crohns
- Cardiomyopathy
- Jones and dukes criteria
- dyslipidemia management
- General psychiatry (terms and its meaning )
- Psychotic disorders
- Schizophrenia
- Delusional d/o- Named syndromes (Capgras,Fregoli,Othello,Ekbom)
- Mood disorder (Treatment is very important)
- Mania
- Depression
- Bipolar
- Neurotic disorder
- Anxiety disorder
- OCD related disorder
- Dissociative disorder
- Trauma and stress related disorder
- Somatoform disorder
- Substance abuse and deaddiction
- Organic mental disorder(dementia)
- Sleep disorder
- Eating disorder
- Sexual disorder
- Personality types and disorder
- Drugs (SSRI and its sideeffect)
- Psychotherapy types and choice
- Defence mechanism
Hope it will help.
-Upasana Y.
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