In today's fast pacing era what can be most necessary and unaltered for a new guest in this world. What can be a moving experience from a women's point of view. Definitely it's breast feeding. An Emotional saga for every women's life. An experience to be relished lifelong. It's not only a rational experience rather a lifetime experience for her.
From the beginning of human settlements many things have changed but not this loving and caring bond between a mother and her child. The happiness felt by a mother during the nourishment of her newborn is unmeasurable. She forgets all her pain and discomfort in front of this joy. This is the reason why mothers are portrayed as goddess in every religion and culture.
Apart from these aesthetical values there are many Scientific theories which proves why breastfeeding is important and is considered as an emotional experience. Mother’s milk is highly nutritious and contains varieties of Carbohydrates, protein, vitamines and immune boosting complexes which are sufficient for the growth of baby in 1st six months of life.
During the process of breast-feeding maternal pituitary releases prolactin and oxytocin. These hormones along with increasing the milk production help in reducing mental anxiety of mother.
Thus the first connection of baby to her mother is undoubtedly important and can't be substituted. If this process is ever altered I think our existence will be questioned.
By- Sudipt Anand (S.K.M.C.H)
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