Friday, September 25, 2020

Metformin notes and mnemonics

 A short post on Metformin!

Decreases hepatic glucose output by reducing hepatic gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis.
Enhances peripheral glucose uptake and enhances insulin sensitivity.
Decreases glucose absorption in the GI tract.
Reduces hemoglobin A1C levels by 1.5%.

In addition:
Decreases triglyceride levels.
Decreases LDL-cholesterol.
May increase HDL-cholesterol.

Side effects:
Vitamin B12 deficiency may develop
Risk of lactic acidosis in renal or liver disease or CHF

Contraindicated in: GFR <30ml/min.

That's all!

Related posts:
Oral hypoglycemic drugs used for diabetes mellitus mnemonic: Metformin meets glucose and advises it to stay out of the blood. It asks the liver to keep glucose in the house (Inhibits hepatic glucose production) and asks the glucose in the bloodstream to go into adipose and skeletal muscle (Stimulates peripheral uptake of glucose). Metformin never met a glucose molecule and did not tell him to not stay in the blood (Illustration in the original post).

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