Nebulization can be delivered by a face mask or a mouth-piece.
Take all the aseptic precautions.
Clean the mask with spirit.
Add the measured amount of drug into medicine cup/ mixing chamber.
(In neonates we usually give hypertonic saline for nebulization)
Setup all the connections i.e:
Mask with the mixing chamber/ medicine cup
One end of air tube to outlet of the machine/ pipe
The other end of air tube with mixing chamber and mask
Switch on the machine.
Look whether fine mist is coming out through the mask.
Place child in comfortable position (Head Upright), or in Mothers lap.
Put the mask to the face of child covering nose and mouth adequately.
Instruct the child to breathe in and out comfortably.
Continue nebulization until fine mist is no longer present.
Instruct the child to gargle or rinsing of mouth.
Clean the machine after use with spirit and place it back in sterile/ clean pack.