Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Stigmata of diseases

What does stigmata mean?

Stigmata means some lesion, mostly skin, which is visible, showing the patient is suffering from that particular disease.
In some diseases, like leprosy and tuberculosis, the patient may not want to reveal the condition because of the stigmata associated with the disease in society. But due to certain signs, the disease gets revealed. (These diseases were considered a disgrace in earlier days.)

Examples - 

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Thyroid carcinoma mnemonic

I made a real easy way of remembering thyroid tumors :)

Papillary carcinoma mnemonic:
Popular (Most common thyroid cancer)
Palpable lymph nodes (Lymphatic metastasis is common)
Positive I (131) uptake
Post radiation in head and neck (One of the causes)
Pops out of the capsule (Usually encapsulated but invades capsule)
Pops everywhere in the gland (Multifocal)
Positive, pleasing, perfect, parexcellence, peerless prognosis
(Excellent prognosis because it's slow growing)
[Another mnemonic is PG - Papillary, Good prognosis =D ]
Popping eyes (Clear nuclei, Orphan Annie Eyes)
Papillary pattern
Psammoma bodies
Pseudoinclusions (Intranuclear cytoplasmatic inclusions)

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Study group discussion: Why more phenytoin is prescribed at night

Why do we give phenytoin in 1-0-2 dose after discharge? Why two tablets at night?

Phenytoin causes marked drowsiness that can confound the mental status (read GCS) exam in medicated patients, most critically those who have had neurosurgery and are given phenytoin for postoperative seizure control. In an outpatient being prescribed phenytoin one would plausibly order more to be taken when the patient is likely to be asleep instead of when they're awake.

Thank you for sharing this with us.

One article says, previously, we used to give 300 mg once daily. After chronic use, patients started developing adverse reactions of drug. It was then decided to start using phenytoin in divided doses. (100 mg TID).

Also remember that gingival hyperplasia is a very important and distinctive secondary effect of phenytoin, my teachers say that it stays even if you stop the medicine, but I'm not sure of that since I have not read that anywhere else.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Difference between smooth ER and Rough ER mnemonic

Hello! Hope you're having a good day =)

In today's post, I'll be sharing how to remember the difference between rough endoplasmic reticulum and smooth endoplasmic reticulum.

Monday, September 7, 2015

von Willebrand disease mnemonic

Greetings everyone!

As you all probably already know, I've been studying loads of hematology this week. Here's another compilation of facts + mnemonic on  von Willebrand disease!

Saturday, September 5, 2015

How to remember gene for differentiation of gonads


How to remember gene for differentiation of gonads

Mnemonic: Why (Y) are you Sorry (SRY)?

Y chromosome contains SRY gene which differentiates gonads to testes.

Daxone (DAX1) went for (WNT-4) double X (XX) .

Genetic factor DAX1 and signaling molecule WNT-4 are necessary for development of ovary.

That's all!


Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Normal values of Calcium, Phosphate, PTH and Alkaline phosphate mnemonic


Here are a few mnemonics on how to remember the normal range of calcium, phosphate, PTH and Alkaline phosphate.

You may need to memorise these values for time restricted exams where wasting time looking up tables for normal values may cost you a few points.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Studying Biochemistry

"Just came across your blog. I must say you are very inspirational. I am first year medical student but I find it hard to study biochemistry. I would like to know if there is a good way to learn it. Any tips?" -Asked by email

How to speed read

I have modified a lot of general principles of speed reading for us, medical students, because we need to understand what we read.

Causes of macrocytic anemia mnemonic


We all know that vitamin B9 and B12 causes macrocytic anemia but do you know the OTHER causes of macrocytic anemia?

They are:
Orotic aciduria
Thiamine deficiency
DysErythropoietic anemia

Mnemonic: OTHEr

That's all!
