Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Study group discussion: Pharmacology of drugs used in Parkinsons disease

Why does bradykinesia and rigidity occur in Parkinson's disease?

Bradykinesia is due to deficiency of dopamine.
Rigidity is due to uncompensated increase in acetylcholine.

Why levodopa is always given in combination with carbidopa and entacapone? 

Carbidopa is given to protect levodopa against dopa decarboxylase enzyme which causes its peripheral breakdown. Peripheral conversion of dopamine is harmful.. Can cause cardiac arrhythmias and postural hypotension.

Entacapone is given to block COMT.

Difference between entcapone and talcapone?

Study group discussion: Why are platelets low in hepatic disease?

Why are platelets low in hepatic disease?

You need cytokines to tell the marrow to synthesis platelets. They are synthesized chiefly by liver.

It is also been associated with the concept of hypersplenism leading to sequestration of thrombocytes in the enlarged spleen.

Submissions: Anti-diabetic drugs and insulin

Written by kiki <3 p="">
Anti-diabetic drugs classification

Upper segment to lower segment ratio (US:LS ratio) mnemonic


I was asked to measure the US:LS in a child. My professor was suspecting Rickets. So let's learn the normal ratios is various age groups!

Saturday, October 10, 2015

ACE inhibitors that are not prodrugs mnemonic and dysgeusia

Before I tell you about the mnemonic, lemme tell you about Titanic.

The captain of Titanic was not a pro in sailing because he sank the ship xD

Or because he listened to Bruce, "The press knows the size of Titanic, now I want them to marvel at her speed, too. We must give them something new to print. This maiden voyage of Titanic must make headlines!" 

Haste is waste, Bruce. Lol.

So now you know what I am talking about, here's the mnemonic:

"Captain who Listens and acts hastily is not a pro."

Scaphoid fracture mnemonic

This was sent to me by a friend, Akshay Dhaiya! I modified it a little bit :D

He likes to call the scaphoid fracture as the Spiderman fracture. Why?

Because it's caused by supination and dorsiflexion of wrist.
(Just like how spidey throws his web!)

Spiderman - Supinating and dorsiflexing the wrist xD

How to remember the function of anconeus muscle (Screwing movement at elbow joint)

Short anatomy post for the day!

I remember about Scrat the squirrel form Ice Age, always screwing around for an acorn.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Why is gout more common in men?

Hey everyone!

I was trying to find out is hyperuricemia in Von Gierkes disease gender specific.. I didn't get the answer to my question (If you do, please let me know!), but I did found out that hyperuricemia, in general, is more common in men.


Sunday, October 4, 2015

Pterygium is more common on the nasal side: Why?

Why do pterygia occur more commonly in nasal side?

Environmental factors, such as a warm climate, dust and UV light, are the main causes of pterygia.

Major And Minor Blood Cross Matching Compatibility Tests

Hello awesomites! Jay ™ here today, once again with a new blog post. Yayy! ^_^

Today we will discuss about Major and minor blood cross match compatibility test. This is usually performed before the transfusion of blood from a donor to a recipient in a hospital setting.
Before we get to this we need to get known to a table which we will use in the following tests.

Blood Type
Agglutinogen (Antigen)
Agglutinin (Antibody)
Anti b
Anti a
A + B
Anti A + Anti B

In major compatibility test we mix Donor Cells (Dc) with Recipient Serum(Rs).
In minor compatibility test, we mix Recipient Cells (Rc) with Donor Serum (Ds)
For the Cells we check the Column of Agglutinogen and for Serum we check the Column of Agglutinin for obvious reasons of the place of presence of each.

So for an Example –