Saturday, November 15, 2014

Exception to Courvoisier's law mnemonic


Courvoisier's law states that in a patient with jaundice, if there is a palpable gallbladder, it is not due to stones.

Obviously, exception to the rule will be conditions with a stone and palpable gallbladder!

The mnemonic is, "DHE exception".
D: Double impacted stone - one in CBD and one in cystic duct, with mucocele of gallbladder.
H: Large stone in Hartmann's pouch.
E: Empyema gallbladder.

The rule ain't useful if the patient doesn't have a gallbladder (absence, previous cholecystectomy) or if the gallbladder is intrahepatic.

That's all!
'DHEm' rebellious conditions breaking rules xD

Saint's triad mnemonic

Just don't forget the D was from the word "triaD"
Because, you might forget.

Types of sequestrum

Since there isn't a complete post on it online, I thought I'd write about it.

Clinical features of tuberculosis spine mnemonic

Here's the illustration!

Tuberculosis spine mnemonic

I made this for my reference, so that I could make sure that I'd be able to write all the points, in case a LAQ was asked about it.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Clinical features of acute appendicitis mnemonic


I talk about these signs in the video -

Lymphatic drainage of the breast

Draw with me!

02:01 Axillary artery, not vein

I talk and draw like I usually do. Not sped up due to lack of time for editing. Hope it helps!