Wednesday, January 11, 2017

New drug:Tideglusib

Hello awesomites ! Today's blog is about new drug -Tideglusib.

Tideglusib is actually Alzheimer's drug and is also used in paralysis of supranuclear palsy!
However this drug is currently in news because of its ability to stimulate repair of teeth .

Use of this drug can cause end of dental fillings .
Mechanism of action of drug
The mechanism is roughly known .It acts in 2 ways
1)It stimulates stem cells in the pulp of the teeth to generate new dentine and heal small cavities.(Dentine is hard dense bony tissue that forms your teeth)
2)Inhibits an enzyme called as GSK-3 which prevents formation of dentine !,

Progress in research:
Drug is successful tested on mice .They soaked biodegradable sponges in the drug and then placed them in cavity .The sponges melts away over time,leaving only the repaired tooth but for use in humans ,the drug is still under research.

Keep smiling :)
Happy day:)


Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Interesting and rare disease:Ectopic cordis

Hello awesomites ,really tired of all the bookish knowledge so for time being I switched my self to internet,and came across some of the rarest and the most interesting diseases of all the time !
Here is the first one -Ectopic cordis.

What is -Ectopic cordis?
It is the disease where the heart is located at abnormal position that is places other than thorax or sometimes partially at thorax.It is a congenital disorder

Cause :-
It is caused due to improper maturation of the mesoderm and ventral body wall durig embryonic development.Lateral wall is responsible for fusion at midline to form ventral wall any change in this process may lead to -Ectopic cordis.

Depending upon situation of the heart in patient ,ectopic cordis is classified into 4 parts :-

Defects seen:-
1) Ventricular septal defect .
2)Atrial septal defect.
3)Absence of tricuspid valve.(Tri-cuspid atresia)
4)Fallots tetralogy. (

Unfortunately the only treatment is surgery !
Not all the surgeries are successful .
Patients of ectopic cordis hardly can live for long years as there are more chances of infections to heart .

That's it for today.
Internet is interesting:)

Monday, January 9, 2017

MBBS practical viva tips on examination

Smile, stay confident.
Keep calm.
And rock those vivas!

This video is on how to not make silly mistakes during pracs!

The SAAG solution (Serum-Ascites Albumin Gradient simplified)

Yo people!

A good friend of mine asked me to review the concept of SAAG. So let's dive into a "Puddle" of ascitic fluid. :P

As you guys all know, SAAG stands for Serum-Ascites Albumin Gradient and it helps to differentiate the causes of ascites. What it means is pretty self explanatory, it is the difference (gradient) between the levels of albumin (a plasma protein) in two compartments i.e. Serum and Peritoneal fluid.

Tetralogy of fallot

Hello  readers today's blog is small one -Fallot's tetralogy .

What is Fallot's tetralogy?
   It is a congenital disorder of heart .It is caused to foetus may be because of  alcoholic mother or who has  diabetes or may be due to rubella infection caused during pregnancy.It is caused due to deletion of chromosome 22

Signs and symptoms:-
As the name suggest ,there are four signs
All four of them are related to heart .
Mnemonic is PVR -f cinema.
-Pulmonary stenosis
-Ventricular septal defect .
-Right ventricular hypertrophy
-Over-riding of aorta ,due to which blood from both the ventricles may enter aorta.

Due to defect in heart ,there is low oxygen supply to tissue this may lead to cyanosis when there is high amount of pulmonary stenosis but when there is moderate amount of pulmonary stenosis this may lead to pink tit that is pinkish colouration of skin.There is also clubbing  .

Open heart surgery is only treatment for fallots tetralogy  .
The appropriate time for surgery depends on the pulmonary stenosis .
However patient should be on life long medication for healthy life

That's all :)
Have a happy day.


Top 10 series: Amphotericin B

Here is the video! :)

Microbiology of legionella mnemonic

Legionella: Facultative intracellular, gram negative rod

Pili: They are all involved in adherence and intracellular replication of L. pneumophila

Flagella: Within the host cell vacuole, legionella are nonmotile, whereas in the later stages of infection and cell lysis, legionella are flagellated and highly motile. Motility enables Legionella to escape from a spent host and facilitates its attempt to find a new host by dispersion into the environment.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Extra Ocular Muscles Insertion : Mnemonic

Hello everyone ! I hope you'll have been enjoying the Top 10 Series that we've started. This is a short post on the insertion of Extra ocular muscles in the eye.
So there are 4 Extra Ocular muscles whose insertion on the sclera we need to be aware of ( in terms of distance from the Limbus). The Recti.
Remember :
I'M Low Standard
I = Inferior Rectus. 5.5
M = Medial Rectus 6.6 (or 6.5 but just remember 6.6 for easiness)
L = Lateral Rectus  6.9 (Loser)
S = Superior Rectus 7.7
So basically it starts with 5.5 , 6.6, 6.9 and finally 7.7.
3 of these are the same number repeated (5.5 , 6.6 and 7.7) but LR is a loser. Hence it does not follow the rule and is a badass hence does a 69. :p
Hope this helped !
Thank you.
Happy studying!

Temporomandibular joint: Super old notes

Hey, these are my super ugly notes from 2010.

Temporomandibular joint: Notes for MBBS exam

In today's blog, we will be showing you how to write answers of joint in your theory exams.

Example question: TMJ
I would like you guys to know that since there is a lot of time limitation in theory exams, you should:
1. Draw diagrams ("Anatomy paper without diagram is as good as flower without fragrance!")
2. Name everything  you know
3. Elaborate

Before the exam, choose the diagrams you would draw for sure and optional diagrams ("If I get time...")

Saturday, January 7, 2017

ADRs of Sulphonamides mnemonic

Hey Awesomites!

Adverse drug reactions of Sulphonamides mnemonic-

S- Stevens- Johnson syndrome
U- Urinary crystals formation and bleeding
L- Lyell's syndrome (TEN)
P- Photosensitivity
H- Hepatic/ Hematologic
O- Ocular side effects
N- Neonatal jaundice/ Nausea and vomiting
A- Antimetabolites (inhibit folic acid synthesis)
M- Miscarriage (pregnancy and fetal abnormalities)
I- Intolerance
D- Dermatitis
E- Eosinophilia
S- Serum sickness

Thats all
- Jaskunwar Singh

Neurodevelopmental maturity and adulthood

Hey Awesomites!

When do you really attain adulthood?
18. That's when you are legally declared an adult. Right? Oh so you already got the answer. Hey no wait.. we are medical professionals and students of science. So talking in a legal way doesn't always seem right, because from a scientific perspective, adulthood is still an unsolved mystery. Let me tell you about it here..

Friday, January 6, 2017

Increased Intracranial pressure clinical features mnemonic

Increased intracranial pressure clinical features mnemonic- 5Ps

P- Persistent projectile vomiting (due to stimulation of CTZ)
P- Persistent headache (the patient presents it as the "worst" headache of his life)
P- Palsy (sixth nerve palsy and diplopia)
P- Papilledema (bilateral)
P- Personality disturbances (behavioral changes)

Thats all
- Jaskunwar Singh