Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Study group discussion: PGE and congenital heart diseases

We had a discussion on this question on our study group today :)

PGE causes clinical worsening in an infant with?
A. PS without VSD
B. Hypoplastic left heart syndrome
C. Obstructive TAPVC
D. Obstruction in Aorta

Let's work this out - choice by choice!

Acute intermittent porphyria mnemonic

Acute intermittent porphria - AIP - That's the mnemonic!

Asbestosis and Silicosis mnemonics

Here are a few mnemonics to help you not mix these conditions up!

Monday, March 6, 2017

Hyperthermia in Pontine Haemorrhage

Hey guys!

This post will be focused on the pathophysiology of Hyperthermia in Pontine Haemorrhage( which may manifest as the Locked-in Syndrome, remember that super-awesome House episode? <3 )

1. First try the easy simple reason. Hypothalamus has been basically cut off from the body below pons and there has been Haemorrhage. Therefore, there will be a Sympathetic outflow causing peripheral vasoconstriction. Meanwhile the internal visceral organs are still functioning and consequently producing heat. So without hypothalamus, the body's ability to produce heat has transcended it's ability to lose heat.

2. The next reason is a bit "cooler", literally. Our body hates Hypothermia more than Hyperthermia, thanks to evolution. (Ice Age!!!) Now there is no central thermoregulation but peripheral one is still intact. And the peripheral thermoreceptors are much more sensitive to lower temperatures or basically cold environment. Once again, without the Hypothalamus, the body is defending itself too vigorously against Hypothermia as to contribute ironically to Hyperthermia.

3. This reason is the only one which you should know since this will explain how Baclofen, a GABA-B Agonist works to treat this Hyperthermia. Remember the Medial Forebrain Bundle, it connects Hypothalamus to a lot of structures, one of them being Nucleus Raphe in the Pontine reticular formation. This is a very crucial portal in control of Sympathetic nervous system outflow by Hypothalamus. Simply speaking, if the body is hot, Hypothalamus will send inhibitory (GABAergic and Dopaminergic) signals to this nucleus and if the body is cold, it will send excitatory (Glutaminergic and Serotonergic) signals. And apparently this connection is lost in Pontine Haemorrhage, so we substitute it with a drug.

P.S. Now you can guess how Bromocriptine and Apomorphine cause Hypothermia. :)


Fact of the day: Blood coagulopathies in Familial Hypercholesterolemia


It is known since long that familial hypercholesterolemia is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease as a consequence of atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels. But Its NOT due  to high cholesterol levels in blood !!

The cause of such consequences lies in genetics. Genetic aberrations in patients with FH include variations in Prothrombin gene which increases coagulation and clot formation. This ultimately blocks the arteries by forming plaques!

Heart patients with FH also have higher concentrations of Fibrinogen and Factor VIII in their blood in addition to other factors, compared to healthy ones.

People with familial hypercholesterolemia tend to live a longer life than those with low cholesterol levels, suggesting a minor role of high cholesterol in pathogenesis of the disease.

However, cholesterol is still associated with other systemic diseases, though recently LDL has been considered 'good' too!

That's all
- Jaskunwar Singh

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Fact of the day: Proton pump inhibitors and osteoporosis

Chronic PPI usage is associated with an increase occurrence of bone fractures, at present, the likely mechanism of this affect, is not at all clear.

The assumed mechanism is that long-term PPI use leads to decreased intestinal absorption of calcium resulting in negative calcium balance, increased osteoporosis, development of secondary hyperparathyroidism, increased bone loss and increased fractures.

An acidic environment in the stomach facilitates the release of ionzed calcium from insoluble calcium salts, and the calcium solubilization is thought to be important for calcium absorption. 

That's all!
Happy studying!

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Facts and Fallacies: Almonds for Migraine


Some people who suffer from migraine are found to be deficient in magnesium and certain  vitamins. This proves to be one of the factor for causing such attacks!

Almonds are rich in magnesium and vitamin B2 ( riboflavin ) and contain salicin, an anti-  inflammatory agent and ingredient in aspirin. So 10- 12 almonds a day, equivalent to 2 aspirins helps in preventing acute attacks of migraine.

However, for those who are allergic to salicin, almonds may even trigger migraine attacks! Therefore prior testing is important in such cases.

Many recent updates and drugs have become available to treat the attacks but no single one is effective in long- term. For those deficient in magnesium and allergic to salicin,  infuse magnesium sulfate solution i.v.  over 3- 5 minutes.

That's all
- Jaskunwar Singh

Thursday, March 2, 2017

The story of Medicowesome (With Q&A)

Here's the video to the many questions people have asked me till date:
How did Medicowesome start? How do you manage blogging and studying? etc etc.

Pediatric milestones mnemonic

Another awesome video by Shilika!

Fact of the day: Multi- vitamin supplements beneficial for schizophrenics


Recent studies suggest that high- doses of vitamin B help in reducing the symptoms of schizophrenic patients and those with other neuropsychological disorders, when added to the normal treatment in early stages. (Source)

- Jaskunwar Singh

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Monday, February 27, 2017

Dealing with psm

This was a question from one of our readers..as to how to deal with psm.

Personally I too have dealt with a lot of trauma related to it. So I will share you my own tips and tricks.

Just keep this basic funda in your head while dealing psm. YOU DONT HAVE TO READ EVERYTHING.

Never start reading psm chapters from the very first page. You will be lost in a whirlpool so huge and exhaust yourself to the limits in a matter of hours..and you are bound to never touch the book again.

Now how to approach it..if say your professor is teaching a chapter on contraceptives. Just go through ONLY last three year worth questions..and mark out all the questions just for contraceptives. Never do the whole ten years or five years  questions together. Cause you will end up marking the whole book..and that depresses you. So first start last three years.

Once you have done the marking. Psm has one lovely plus point..that apart from the humongous text..it also has charts and diagrams. READ the diagrams first..the flow charts those should be the ones you should learn first. And for answers who don't have flow charts..and have things like components and sub headings of this and that and shit..I suggest just mugg up the names of the sub topics. Just the names only. Make mnemonics, make weird stories..do whatever but you need to learn them.
This trick is important cause think of your examiner. He is tired of reading the same old answers over and over again. So if you go ahead and make beautiful flow charts..or if you just emphasise on the various components and sub headings itself..your job is half done.

And regarding the actual reading of the text. Do it later when you feel more confident..and that time also just stick to the specific answers from previous yr papers.

psm is crazy huge..I have learnt that during exams it was more easy to make up matter to write for psm..but what I didn't remember was that one word of the sub headings or details of the flow chart.
And that's where you go wrong.

Let me know if it helped you and also if any other doubts.


Fish oil for treatment of asthma


Asthma is a chronic, exaggerated and allergic inflammatory response in the respiratory airways to certain allergens that vary according to seasons.

Omega- 3 fatty acids in high- quality fish oils and other products reduce the inflammation by regulating B- cell function. IgE production is reduced, which otherwise acts to cause asthma symptoms and allergic reactions in patients with mild form of asthma.

The fatty acids are used up by the cells in the lining of respiratory passages to produce hormones that tend to "turn- off" certain factors responsible for attracting white blood cells to the site of inflammation such as leukotrienes, interleukins, and other cytokines.

However, these oils are less effective in severe forms of the disease and in the majority of patients taking corticosteroids.

According to a study, prenatal exposure to fish oils (mainly in third trimester) reduces the risk of wheeze and asthma in children.

Thats all
- Jaskunwar Singh

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Ischaemic Preconditioning

Hey, guys!!

This post is on a very interesting condition. To put it in simple terms, Ischaemic preconditioning is a defensive technique adopted by those cardiac myocytes which have faced ischaemia in the past against future ischaemic episodes. There is another defensive procedure called Collaterals but that occurs in chronic ischaemia while Preconditioning occurs in acute conditions.

It was first observed while monitoring the ECG of a patient undegoing coronary balloon angioplasty. When the coronary artery was occluded by inflated balloon transiently, the ECG showed QRS distortions indicative of ischaemia but when it was occluded once again, ECG showed almost normal QRS waveforms.

Mechanism of Ischaemic preconditioning has something to do with Katp channels, the one blocked by Sulfonylureas like Glibenclamide, and also Adenosine receptors. But how exactly these components are involved, isn't clear yet.

That's all!


Basics of Coagulase test

Hello awesomites let's today see today about enzyme "Coagulase".

Coagulase is an enzyme produced by several micro-organisms to protect them from host's immune system . Coagulase  is especially produced by S.aureus hence we use coagulase test to differentiate between S.aureus and other species of Staphylococcus.

How does Coagulase enzyme act in S.aureus  ?
Basically it enables conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin.In case of S.aureus Coagulase reacts with prothrombin and forms Staphylothrombin
complex which helps enzyme protease to convert fibrinogen to fibrin which results in clotting of blood.Coagulase in S.aureus is tightly bound to surface and hence fibrin thus formed coats ,the bacteria and hence bacteria is protected from  host's immune system .

Two forms of coagulase exist:
1) Clumping factor (Bound to cell).
2) Free Coagulase or Coagulase.

What is Clumping factor?
It acts directly on the fibrinogen in plasma and helps in adherence of the organism to fibrinogen resulting in clumping .
Detected by slide coagulase test.

What is free coagulase ?
It is excreted from the cell as a free enzyme.It first acts on prothrombin ,the product so formed acts on fibrinogen and forms a fibrin clot.
It needs coagulase reacting factor (CRF).
8 types of coagulase have been identified .Most human strain forms coagulase A
It is detected by tube coagulase test.

Trick to remember test ?
Slide coagulase test -Clumping factor

And you can simply put other test for free coagulase.! =P
Stay cool and awesome:)

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Beck's triad mnemonic


Acute cardiac tamponade is an emergency condition in which fluid accumulates within the pericardial sac resulting in inability of heart to pump blood. The Beck's triad of medical signs a/w this condition - (mnemonic: DIM )

D- Decreased arterial and pulse pressure
I- Increased venous pressure (JVD)
M- Muffled heart sounds

- Jaskunwar Singh

Friday, February 24, 2017

Right IJV for assessment of right heart hemodynamics


Internal jugular vein of right side is preferred for right heart hemodynamics. This is because-

Aminoglycoside mnemonic

Hello all, let me slip in a quick mnemonic on Neomycin and Amikacin

1.Highest nephrotoxic drug-

2.Highest auditory toxicity is with-

N for N and A for A. Easy one to remember for the MCQs!

That's all!


Osteogenesis imperfecta mnemonic

I just wanted to enlist a few points on Osteogenesis imperfecta so....

Fact of the day: Milk and acidity

Milk is commonly recommended as therapy for patients with peptic ulcer.