And you hear the Pinggg!!!
Aha.. GOTHAM needs you!! You shift your focus from the task of studying to the task of on your cellphone,and simultaneously thinking about how good you are at multitasking!
Recent evidence suggest that the gamma-aminobutyric acid-B receptor agonist baclofen is a promising agent for the treatment of alcoholism.
Baclofen produces an effortless decrease or suppression of alcohol craving. It decreases alcohol consumption including in those with poor motivation. The drug causes few side effects and does not add to the intoxication effect of alcohol.
It benefits patients with alcohol dependence (even those who are still in precontemplation stage of motivation!)
Research has shown that baclofen reduces withdrawal symptoms of alcohol and is safe in those with liver impairment.
Although further studies that compare long-term alcohol-related outcome of baclofen with established drugs such as naltrexone and disulfiram are needed.
Interesting, isn't it?
Now,being teenager we all know how much we are addicted to word "Wi-fi" or let's say "Free Wi-fi".But today I came to know about a weird disorder "Wifi-allergy" .
Electromagnetic hypersensitivity is popularly known as "Wifi-allergy".
Adverse reaction to electromagnetic field is seen even if a victim is exposed to EM field below threshold level .
There are no scientific basis for Wi-fi allergy .
No scientific signs and symptoms are specified,but non-specific symptoms such as headache,fatigue,stress,sleep distractions,skin prickling,burning sensation,rashes pain,and acne in muscles,ringing in the ear,tinnitus,unexpected earache,memory loss,inability to concentrate,nausea,insomnia,fluctuation in heart rate,deteriorating vision,weakness and spasm of muscles,
bladder problems can develop.
Many of these symptoms overlaps with other syndromes such as Idiopathic Environmental Intolerance(IEI)
No relation is found between exposure of electromagnetic field and symptoms.Studies shows it is a psychological disorder rather than a physiological .Many scientists claims that it is actually a nacebo effect.
Electromagnetic hypersensitivity is not an accepted diagnosis.No case definition /clinical practice guidelines are performed.No specific tests are performed.A French scientist Dr Belpomme has developed a technique using a computer and a Pulsed Eco-doppler which envelops diagnosis of electrical sensitivity.
There are no specific protocols for treatment of this psychological disorder.The basic treatment involes less use of devices which emits electromagnetic fields.
Stay awesome and cool:)
Hello everybody!
So today let's learn a bit about how our brain circuits work.
Some people hate cheese. Like seriously?
How can you miss the warm fussy feeling you get while eating warm molten cheese in a Fondue!
Well some people might not feel any bit of it and rather feel disgusted when presented with cheese.( I feel bad for them )
Anyway let's see how these things work.
Why aversive to cheese per say?
Cheese is the food that most frequently triggers aversion.
Among those with an aversion to cheese, 20% say they are intolerant to lactose. In 50% of cases, at least one of their family members does not like cheese either. These stats suggested that there is a genetic origin to this aversion, which might be related to lactose intolerance.
To find out what happens in the brain, people who like cheese and who do not were selected and participated in a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study.
They observed that the ventral pallidum which is activated in people who are hungry was totally inactive in people who had an aversion to cheese but was active for all other food types. Also the Globus Pallidus and Substantia Nigra part ( the reward circuit) was more active in people who had aversion to cheese than in those who do.
So in conclusion, the areas of reward centres of our brain the Globus Pallidus and Substantia Nigra have two types of neurons with complementary activity , one relating to the rewarding aspect of food and other to it's aversive nature.
So now we have a breif idea as to how the brains are wired differently and how we all our special in our own ways!
Let's learn Together!
Hello awesomites !It's been long time that I haven't written anything due to exam pressure =). Let's start with today's simple topic.
What is scoliosis?
-It's a disorder in which spine has sideways curve like "C" or "S" .It may increases or remain same.Patient usually suffers from breathing problems ,constipation due to tightened organs.
-Factors causing scoliosis are mainly genetic though environmental factors may cause scoliosis.
-Diagnosis is mainly by Plain X-ray.
-Current methods requires surgery to adjust growth rods every 6 months .This may require 8 to 10 procedures in total.
What is MAGEC rods ?
-MAGnetic Expansion Control rods are used as non-invasive adjustments.
Surgeons can lengthen the rods using a Handle-held external magnet.It takes 15 minutes and is performed every 3-6 months .It is also cost effective.Once a surgeon implants the device it's easy to use by remote.
MAGEC is used in children's (normally under 10 age) with severe spine deformity .
Stay awesome:)
0Hello readers! Being in medical field we are quite acquainted with the word "Stress out" .Todays article is just about a simple nasal spray that can prove to be a boon to entire human kind.(I think specially our field ! :p)
Everything in a brain is carried out by special substances called as "Hormones" .Even the simplest change in mood is concerned with hormonal changes.For example in first trimester of pregnency a rapid rise in estrogen and progesterone can cause mood swings in woman.Similary when there is depletion of hormones or its metabolites or less production of hormone this can leads to depression ,low -emotional state ,anxiety etc.Suicide can be triggered by serious illness ,can also be triggered by low self-esteem or emotional pain .
Scientists are developing a nasal spray that can prevent suicides! .This nasal spray consists of Thyrotropin releasing hormone(TRH) also known as thyroliberin . Thyrotropin is actually hormone released by hypothalamus ,it actually stimulate release of thyrotropin and prolactin from anterior pituitary.Recent findings have found out that TRH also shows anti-depressant and anti-suicidal effects.Thus preventing suicidal behaviour and depression.Researchers want to figure out ,a way to deliver it to a brain when it is given through nose .Brain is protected by Blood brain barrier (BBB),which is acting has a hinderence to pass TSH to brain.
Clinically it is related in spinocerebellar degeneration and disturbance of consciousness in humans.Pharmacological form is known as protirelin.
I hope scientists find it soon how to cross BBB :p
Exams are near and I am already freaking out :p
Keep smiling :)
Have a day with high level of TSH in brain :)
Hello awesomites !Today's topic is short ,simple and easy to understand.
Cancer is basically a disease where there is abnormal growth of cells in body and sometimes it is also malignant that is ,it can spread from one organ/site to another.These newly formed cells can disturb normal cycle of other cells .When a cell suffers DNA damage from cancer,a virus or radiation a group of protein complex MRN is sent to repair DNA.MRN is protein complex ,it consists of Mre11,
Rad50 and Nbs1 .In eukaryotes initial processing of double strand DNA breaks prior to repair by homologus recombination or by non-homologus joining.
When a DNA virus is present in the cell,MRN instead focuses on removing it.
If both DNA damage & a DNA virus are present in a single cell .The MRN complex is unable to manage both threats at once and ends up ignoring the virus .
These new findings imply that scientist might be able to form a virus that targets and kills only cancer cells.
Keep smiling:)
Good day:)