Saturday, January 31, 2015

Friday, January 30, 2015

Study group discussion: Eating disorders

Binge eating disorder is when the person stuffs himself in one day and then doesn't eat for a couple of days. In bulimia, patient eats normally / in excess but then voluntarily vomits out the food to avoid gaining from it.

Binging and then not eating  for a couple of days sounds like bulimia nervosa more than binge eating disorder.

People with BED don't compensate for their binges.  People with bulimia do (by restricting, exercise, purging etc).

Restricting is reducing caloric intake.   Purging can be making themselves throw up or by using laxatives.

Anorexics can also restrict and purge. But anorexics don't binge, definitionally.

So bulimics can be over weight, right? Because they binge? And anorexics are typically under weight? I always get the two mixed up!

Bulimics can be overweight or underweight, depending on how successful their compensatory strategies are after they binge (if they manage to throw up most of the food, and also exercise enough to compensate for the calories their body did manage to absorb, they can actually lose weight extremely quickly, like anorexics).

Anorexics are always underweight, definitionally.  If someone has symptoms of anorexia but they aren't underweight (or if they're female and they still have their period), then they'll probably be diagnosed with ED-NOS instead (specifically 'atypical anorexia').


ED-NOS is eating disorder not otherwise specified.

If you recall, anorexia as a symptom and not a disorder just means loss of appetite (I really don't like that it's the same word).  So anorexia nervosa is a disorder largely characterised by not eating (although it's more complex than that, and a lot of anorexics do binge, just not frequently enough to be diagnosed with bulimia nervosa).

A person might also be diagnosed with ED-NOS if they have symptoms of bulimia, but don't binge often enough to be diagnosed with bulimia nervosa.

Up to 60% of people in eating disorder programs have ED-NOS.

It's also sometimes called OSFED (especially if you're not American).  OSFED is 'other specified feeding or eating disorder'.

I didn't know this about this. I thought Anorexia and Bulimia were the only ones!

So does the management of atypical Anorexia differ?

In the new DSM, the amenorrhea criteria of anorexia will be removed. 
So you still have a significantly lower weight than you should with anorexia, but you don't necessarily need to stop having your period anymore to meet the diagnosis.
Because many women even severly underweight can still have their period.
Also "binge eating disorder" is added, which is eating too much but without compensating behaviors.

But previously you had to miss your period 3 months in a row to have anorexia. They removed this criterium

Oh that's why I heard the no period criteria for the first time!

Yep it's new in DSM-V.

And as for the different treatment.. Since you are underweight in anorexia and not usually in ED-NOS, you will find more people with anorexia being treated by refeeding/feeding tube.

I didn't know that, but that's awesome.  It would be better if they removed the criteria for low weight, too, though. I know a lot of people in the pro-anorexia communities tended to want to wait until they met the weight and amennorhea criteria before getting help so that they could be diagnosed with anorexia nervosa instead of EDNOS.

Yep. It's an "honor" to have anorexia, "shame" to have EDNOS because you're not good enough at having an eating disorder and worse when you have bulimia.

It's strange they make a ranking system for eating disorders, while many people will fluctuate between all three disorders in their lifetime

Which is incredibly unhealthy, because:
1. EDNOS can be as physically damaging to your body as anorexia nervosa (bulimia nervosa is less likely to be physically damaging, although Boerhaave's syndrome, enamel erosion etc mostly only happen for bulimia).
2. Eating disorders, like anything else, are far more treatable if caught early.  Discouraging people from seeking help because the diagnosis they'll get is a less desirable one isn't helpful.

That's sad. The criteria shouldn't get in the way of someone who wants help.

I think the ranking system makes sense, though.  A really high percentage of people in the pro-anorexia community are perfectionists.  If the goal is to be skinny, having an eating disorder where the diagnostic criteria include being extremely skinny would be seen as relative success.  I don't think the ranking system is healthy in any way, but it makes sense.

As for bulimia being the worst... there's a pro-bulimia community, too... there isn't a pro-EDNOS community (although they tend to be absorbed by the pro-anorexia one).  So I don't think it's necessarily accurate to put bulimia at the bottom of the hierarchy (although I do realise that a lot of bulimics wish they were anorexic instead because they think they'd lose weight faster that way).

Hmm. So what do you guys think would be a sensitive way to approach eating disorders, in terms of clinical encounters or diagnosis? How might we be more body positive in the clinical setting?

Well it's hard to approach people with eating disorders properly... Because if they are still in denial (much like in addiction), they will see a comment about looking sick as a compliment

Someone asked whether the management of atypical anorexia is different.  In general, all restrictive eating disorders can be seen as fairly equal, and the recovery process is largely similar for anorexia nervosa and atypical anorexia.  The only significant difference I know of is that people with anorexia nervosa are more likely to be put in inpatient, and achieving a healthy weight tends to be more of a focus for anorexia nervosa than for EDNOS.

And yes, being told that they look sick would almost definitely be taken as a compliment.

I see. It's like they are different colors of the same spectrum.

I think what you can do is just ask the patient if they are okay, mentally. If they want to talk about anything, because you are worried.

I had a colleague this past week and she ate next to nothing, so I asked her. And told her if she needs to talk, she can e-mail or call me

Pretty much... I strongly disagree with the way they separate atypical anorexia from anorexia nervosa based on weight.  The psychological symptoms are the same, the mental distress tends to be the same, the treatment is the same, the potential physical harm that the eating disorders cause are the same.

Just never minimize the problem if your patient has an eating disorder, because they will try very hard to prove you wrong

A friend of mine has had people say to her that her eating disorder wasn't "that bad" because she wasn't severely underweight, which stimulated her to not eat. She ended up in the hospital. It's a sensitive subject, so try to get an expert to talk to them instead of potentially saying the wrong things.

I figured it was something like that. But expert aside, seems like it's still important to leave them to open the conversation, similar to any other mental illness and let them talk it out than seek immediate referral.

Definitely :) if you are willing to help and listen, just tell them that you don't know much about it/don't have experience treating people with eating disorders, but you would like to try and help.

As far as being sensitive goes:
1. If a blood test and/or an ECG is part of the diagnostic process (I know it's a requirement for the eating disorder treatment program here, I don't know if it is elsewhere), assuring someone (especially if they aren't thin enough to be diagnosed with anorexia nervosa) that even if the blood test results look 'normal', it doesn't mean that they haven't done damage to their body, and it doesn't mean that they aren't sick enough to deserve help (this is especially true for people who are voluntarily seeking help for an eating disorder).
2. Not telling people to just eat... I don't know why on earth people, including medical professionals, insist on doing this.  It's awful.  Don't.  If it was that simple they wouldn't need medical treatment.
3. Acknowledging that the eating disorder serves as a useful and valuable coping mechanism.  Even though eating disorders are their own special kind of hell to have, the feeling of control they give to people who suffer from them can still feel good and make it hard to recover.  It's possible to be sensitive and acknowledge the things that make it hard to *want* to recover, while still pointing out that on the whole, it's harmful, and recovery would make the patient's life better.
4. If someone has atypical anorexia, don't constantly remind them of it.  They probably think about it a lot.  Saying "eating disorder" validates the severity of what they're going through, and emphasises that all eating disorders are serious and should be treated as equally serious.
5. Unless their life is in immediate danger, don't try to force recovery-oriented behaviours on them.  Let them recover on their own time: it'll make it so that the recovery process is less scary/unpleasant, and will also make it so that their recovery lasts longer.  Eating because you've been forced to isn't the same as eating because you want to recover.  Encourage them to choose recovery on their own.
6. Following on from that... don't just focus on the physical symptoms.  Yes, it's important that people figure out how to eat properly, because not eating properly can result in very serious physical consequences, but it's also very important to acknowledge the mental symptoms, because those can cause very serious effects on the person's quality of life, too.  A friend of mine saw a psychiatrist for anorexia nervosa, and the psychiatrist kept focusing on her weight, and as she reached her healthy weight, the psychiatrist acted as though that meant she was nearly recovered.  Never forget that eating disorders are mental illnesses, and just because someone's at their healthy weight doesn't mean they're recovered, or that they don't still need help.

I have mixed feelings about handling co-morbidities, because I don't know a lot about them.  I know that there are segments of the medical profession who believe that if someone presents with a comorbid eating disorder and anxiety/depression, that they'll try to treat the eating disorder first before doing anything about the anxiety/depression.  Which to some extent makes sense, because not eating can do weird things to mood, but I personally don't really like that approach (especially in cases where the anxiety/depression clearly was present before the onset of the eating disorder).  I do know, however, that if a medical professional takes the view that the eating disorder should be addressed first, it can definitely come across as them dismissing the mood and anxiety disorders as being just a by-product of the eating disorder, which can be incredibly invalidating.

I feel anxiety & depression should be addressed along with the more obvious eating disorder. But I don't know if it's feasible in clinical practice.

You can ask the patient to talk about it, sure. But if that doesn't work pharmacological treatment takes weeks. And you never know if the eating disorder caused the depression or vice versa, the depression caused the eating disorder. I really don't get how a psychiatrist would actually approach and manage such a patient.

Comorbidities are messy.  Eating disorders tend to make anxiety/depression worse, but anxiety/depression (especially anxiety) can make eating disorders worse, too.  In light of that, I feel as though treating them both at the same time makes sense because reducing the symptoms of the depression/anxiety might make the eating disorder better, even if the eating disorder is the cause of the depression/anxiety.

I know there are psychiatrists who will prescribe antidepressants and/or anxiolytics for people who have eating disorders.  But also doctors who insist on treating the eating disorder by itself first. I don't think there's a general consensus on what's the best way to handle that.

As for feasibility in clinical practice, I personally think it makes more sense to address depression/anxiety at the same time as the eating disorder, especially where it isn't certain whether any given symptom is caused by an eating disorder or anxiety (if someone's afraid to eat in public, is it general social anxiety or the eating disorder?... there's no real way to tell... but it's not important, because either way the symptom needs to be addressed)


Would it help treating an anorexic patient indirectly?  Say, you need to gain a little weight back even though you might not like it because.. Idk.. You have amenorrhea? And that's bad etc etc
Or is that even allowed?

Anorexic patient: I doubt it would help.  At a fairly early point in eating disorders, the desire to be thin begins to take on an irrational level of importance.  It's not uncommon for anorexic patients to express the idea that they don't care if they die, so long as they can die skinny.  Although in the early stages of illness, a lot of anorexics desire to be skinny so that they can be beautiful, or popular etc, at some point it often takes on an importance of its own, and they'll be willing to risk everything (health, beauty, popularity etc.) to be skinny.  When it gets to that point, curing amennorrhea isn't really going to be enough of an incentive to overcome the obsessive desire to be thin.

Even if they gain back the weight, you might end up in a yo-yo weight situation where any underlying disorders keep cropping up, particularly in times of stress. Eating disorders tend to be chronic and long-lasting.

Telling someone that something they do is "bad" also probably isn't really compelling, even though lots of people try that tactic :p

That is also true.  And as I said before, although gaining back the weight can be important, it's even more important to deal with the underlying mental illness.

So, it would still be difficult to show them that hey! You are back to normal weight and still looking good? As in their perception just won't change?

Once people get close to being at a normal weight, they often feel that they look incredibly fat (and in comparison to their emaciated bodies they had while severely underweight, they probably do).

I guess it makes if I think according to their thoughts.

There was an experiment where people were starved and they started engaging in disordered eating behaviour, but once they reached their healthy weight again the disordered behaviour went away.  The problem is, that only seems to be true for people who developed disordered eating behaviour after losing weight.  For people who lost a lot of weight as a result of disordered eating, regaining the weight doesn't seem to usually fix the problem.

Which is why I so strongly disagree with any treatment approach that focuses on regaining a healthy weight, and using weight as a marker for how healthy a person is.  Because if someone recovers enough to be at a healthy weight but doesn't recover fully mentally, chances are they're going to revert back to old behaviours again.  Relapse and recovery cycle and all that.

Full recovery is generally possible for restrictive eating disorders, in that a lot of people never do go back.  But that only happens if the underlying eating disorder is adequately dealt with, and not when the only recovery that has happened is weight restoration.

It falls to dealing with the cause versus dealing with the symptoms.


So if we don't talk about weight, how do we bring them back to a normal mental state?

Well the mental state is the problem the weight is just a visible symptom of that.

Eating disorders are often very helpful to people who have them, even if they cause a lot of suffering.  They're a way of being able to exert control in a chaotic world.  It's why eating disorders are so common among young people with controlling parents.  Eating can often be the only thing that people can control if they live in highly restrictive environments.

So changing how you think about the illness is an important first step?

To that end, making sure that people with eating disorders find things in their life that they can have control over in healthy ways can be really valuable.

Many associate these with vanity which undermines the sickness.

It has a stigma sort of like depression, where it used to be considered that the person was just sad or moody but now we know it is an imbalance of neurotransmitters that is the cause.

It's important to take. the patient seriously and treat it as a real illness so that the patient can feel that they can be cured and recover, like most illnesses.

Definitely acknowledging that it's a real medical illness and not just something someone is doing to themselves is important.  Validating someone's experiences is one of the most important things about dealing with patients, and especially important in cases of mental illness.

Validating that's the word.
Couldn't for the life of me recall it.

One more question, mentioned that one way would be to make sure they have control over other things in life in healthy ways. What exactly do we mean- lifestyle?

If they're a child, ask their parents to give them more freedom to make choices in their life.

If they're an adult, talking to them about the areas in their life where they feel they have no control, and helping them see that they do actually have quite a lot of control can be helpful.

Although that can be tricky, a lot of people with eating disorders have been victims of trauma, and that's very much a situation where they did not have control.

I see. This was incredibly insightful. Thank you guys!

You should also try to focus on giving them better coping mechanisms and expressing their feelings. A big part of eating disorders is also about not feeling, not dealing with emotions. They need to know it is okay to cry, that they can deal with whatever caused the disorder in a healthy way. And especially let them know that yes, even though this coping mechanism was helpful in the past (for example in cases of abuse), it is no longer necessary to survive.

It makes me really happy that people in this group were so willing to listen when we were talking about what to do with patients who have eating disorders.  And your desire to make a difference when you're in clinical practice.  I like how everyone in this group seems to genuinely care about being a good doctor and to care about patient welfare.  I think that's really important, and it makes me hopeful about the future generation of doctors to see how much you care.

Study group discussion: Osler Weber Rendau syndrome

I had once taken a case of Osler Weber rendau syndrome.

It's an autosomal dominant disease..Where AV malformation occur throughout the body.

The case i had was of a 26 yr old lady G6P3L1D2A2
And in her most recent pregnancy, during her 24th week.. She had sudden onset cough and breathlessness.
Later on pulmomary tapping..Blood was withdrawn.

The AV malformation in her lungs had bursted. She was taken for surgery.

Which surgery?

I forgot the name of it. Under angiographic control, the bleeding is sought out and the bleeder clamped.

The baby was taken out by C section at 37th week..Cause it was having an IUGR lag of four weeks.

But from what I reserched was angiogenesis occurs our entire life time.
So as you grow the number of av malformation go on increasing.
In children it presents as epixtasis.
In young adults..bleeding in lungs.
As you grow they may rupture in the brain as well.

I had a case of Osler Weber Rendau syndrome who presented with Haematemesis.
The attending told us to suspect it in patients who do not have signs of liver cell failure (Since portal hypertension is the most common cause of Haematemesis!)

Study group discussion: Reason behind names of oral contraceptive pills and retroalimentation

I remember in my obstetrics practical.. I was asked why the name mala was used for mala-D or mala-N. These are oral combined contraceptive distributes free in India.
Anyone from India knows why?
I tried searching online.. Didn't find the reason why!

Mala means garland in Hindi. I have no idea why they would call a contraceptive a chain of flowers or beads though!

I am not sure but i think something like mala pearl and it's importance?
Mala N and D have other names like moti, pearl.

This Mala n and mala d is a garland like with beads equal to number of days in a month.

The mala D thing you asked... The backside of the packet shows the pattern in which they're supposed to be taken... That looks like beads in string... So may be that's why the name...

Makes sense.

Yes, but they can inhibit the synthesis of sexual hormones. If used for prolonged time, it makes harder for a woman to get pregnant after stopping them. They're very effective though.

Hmm.. I never read anything like that.

Read about retroalimentation of sexual hormones.

What's that?

If they are taken orally, the body stops producing them normally. They have a negative retroalimentation, meaning that if theres estrogens in the body, other glands will notice and they wont produce it naturally. Hormones have a whole organ-brain system of production.

So that's bad?

No, not bad.
Doesnt mean they'll be sterile.
Just means itll take time for the body to produce them naturally again.

I've read that if woman take hormonal therapy they have more propensity to get endometrial cancer.

Yeah, that's why progesterone is added.

Micturition reflex and types of bladder

Rather than going into exaggerated details... I will only point the important facts.

1.    When urine starts collecting within the bladder. The detrusor muscle is stretched. This is detected via stretch receptors and is carried by the sensory nerve to the spinal cord.

2.    The reflex arc root value is S2 to S4, from these parasympathetic fibers arise, which causes contraction of the detrusor muscle.

3.   This arc is under the control of the higher centers ( frontal lobe and pons), which can either FACILITATE or INHIBIT this reflex arc.

The clinical aspects of this are-

Study group experience #2

Here's what we discussed so far:

I must say, the group is much more fun than the limited "Study group discussions" I post on the blog.

The discussions on the topics are diverse, surprising and very interesting. We also did a lot of non study related random discussions on our respective countries, languages, DIY medical gifts and shadowing. Even though the group is active day and night because of the time zone difference, the messages don't feel like they're a drag in anyway. Almost everyone seems to love the idea and what we talk about. Group 1, you guys are absolutely amazing. The hard work involved in putting together the group was totally worth it! <3 p="">

Two or three members felt the discussions should be very limited to studies, science and entrance examination stuff. We made a separate mini group for that.  Personally, I think that we are humans and we tend to socialize and talk random wherever we go. It's hard to have a clear boundary for what should be discussed and what not. But anyway, the mini group option will be open for future group joiners!

Lastly, the Group 2 update: We have 20 people so far, the minute the number reaches close to 50, your group will be made. Sorry for the wait! :)

Study group discussion: Alcohol and ADH

Does alchol decreases ADH secretion?
Alcohol inhibits ADH, that's why we pee so much when we're drunk.
Does it inhibit ADH at the kidney level, or does it inhibit the thing in the pituitary gland that makes the gland release ADH?
It inhibits the production of ADH from the pituitary gland.
So it affects the hypothalamic neurons and interferes with it's secretion?
Oh yes. Alcohol inhibits ADH. That's why it is said you don't buy alcohol, you only rent it because you pee the fluid that you took.

What would you take for dehydration by ethanol ?

Normal saline!

I have seen on television that they give some light yellow coloured fluid. They add something to saline, I think. 

Banana bag it's called!

Huh? Banana bag? Any special constituents?

It's given especially for alcoholics. Contains Thiamine, folic acid and stuff

A banana bag (or rally pack) is a bag of IV fluids containing vitamins and minerals. The bags typically contain thiamine, folic acid, and 3 grams of magnesium sulfate, and are usually used to replenish nutritional deficiencies or correct a chemical imbalance in the human body. The multi-vitamin solution has a yellow color, hence the term "banana bag".


Thursday, January 29, 2015

Study group discussion: Addictions, Mental health

Guys, what's mental health/addictions care like in your countries? Intertwined with primary care or no? It's a huge issue here (Canada) but there's a lot of stigma and lack of political push to get anything done, and these people often suffer from "physical" comorbidities because they don't trust the system. I'm interested in your thoughts.

In India, the majority of cases we see are schizophrenia and alcoholism when it comes to mental health.
The stigma here is because the infectious disease burden is too much and that's why mental health doesn't get that much political attention.
But overall, people who reach hospitals trust doctors and it is very much intertwined with primary care.

People get a pretty wide range of mental health things around here, although in child and youth it's mostly anxiety disorders or conduct disorder, sometimes depression.  In emergency psych there's a lot of schizophrenia spectrum and suicide.   There's actually a dedicated eating disorders program as well (for children youth and adults).  The problem with mental health services, though, is the lack of resources.   There's a 4 month waiting list for the eating disorders program, for example.  I think thats a problem in other countries, too, but I don't know.   Does anyone know stuff about resource allocation to mental health programs in other health care systems?
Currently in Canada.  I used to live in Hong Kong.
The mental health care system is even worse in Hong Kong.

I only start ward rounds next year so I'm not sure how accurate is my take on mental health... But depression is very common here (Singapore) because life tends to be very fast paced here!

In Honduras, we see addictions to alcohol, glue and Benzodiazepines.
Glue? Like glue sniffing?

Yeah, they smell glue here. It's very cheap and you can use it  many times. And paint thinner too.

Had read about it in forensics class but never thought it is actually prevalent!

Dendrite sniffing is common here (India)

I believe it. We get a lot of hand sanitizer stolen around here. (Canada)

Apparent cases coming to see psychiatrist eye is a small proportion.


Dendrite is one kind of a glue.

I'm a bit surprised too. Maybe it's naiveness or lack of exposure to such news... But the last time I heard that people used thinners or glue or nail polish to sniff was in my psych class.

I suppose almost all volatile substance can be used this way.

I have to admit, glue and paint thinner smells good.

I see lots of it in emerg... Mostly, the homeless. Its very sad.

So how do they present clinically?

Sort of like asphyxia? That's what I had read..They keep sniffing and in a daze forget to breathe.
Had a case a few weeks ago where this guy inhaled those cans of air dusters used to clean computers.

Hypoventilation, respiratory acidosis.

He just kinda passed out on the side of the road, but became conscious rather quickly once we talked to him.

Decreased LOC usually, sometimes combative, crazy heart rates. Mostly they just look inebriated. 

Super paranoid. Depends on what they abused.

They present with very serious brain damage. Usually they dont come to the hospital, they die from TB and AIDS in the streets without medical attention.

What we get in our emergency is mostly organophosphorous poisoning.

OP poisoning is very prevalent out here. It's the only thing farmers have access to!

Atropine then pralidoxime.


If we're unsure of the pesticide, we don't prescribe pralidoxime.

Here (Honduras), farmers are always getting snake bites

Barba amarilla they call them.

Oh. We get snake bites too.

Study group discussion: Fecal transplant and uses of urine

Speaking of that, in the show Greys Anatomy, they use poop to cultivate natural flora in a person who overused antibiotics.

I saw a video of that on minute earth on youtube. Esp in conditions of inflammatory bowel disease!

It's called a fecal transplant or something.

It's in trials in many hospitals.
As per JAMA, NEJM.

I read that they're treating enterocolitis from resistant strains of C.difficile by inserting a nasoduodenal tube and administering donor feces

Do you think patients would be as ready to accept a fecal transplant as they would, per say, a blood donation?

Donno about patients but I wouldn't accept a fecal transplant!

I think it differs from different races, cultures to your personal beliefs.

But i guess we all value our life the most. Given as a last resort, I suppose the patient would accept.

It's all about circumstances.

Does anyone have a link to a publication on the fecal transplant?

@above GIYF.

Giyf haha love that!

Searching on Google is tough. I'd love to be spoon fed with links!

Googling fecal transplants just gives a range of DIY kits...

Put in right keywords, use search tools and the first link is what all you need.

Hahaha gross. DIY fecal transplants sound um... messy.

Do you guys know urine can be used as an eye wash?
But it shouldn't be infected.
It's one of the uses of urine if your stranded with no water.
First use is, of course, drinking it to prevent dehydration.

Idk if you've heard about this in other countries but we in the USA say use urine on jellyfish stings

Oh yes, that too. I watched a Rhett and Link video on YouTube a long time back on the uses of urine.

Study group discussion: Clomiphene citrate

Please can you explain me the mechanism of Clomiphene citrate?
Clomiphene citrate is a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator!

Clomiphene citrate's primary action is to block the oestrogen receptors on the pituitary.

Hence, because of the lack of negative feedback..more of FSH is produced.. Hence more follicles.

This primarily used in ovulation induction in woman.. Main example polycystic ovarian syndrome.

Also, in males it is used if the cause of impotency is less gonaodotrophins.

Important viva question is.. Dose in females is 50mg OD but in males its 25 mg.

Ooh. Why is the dose lesser in males?

Oh that.. I never searched for it. But best guess would be in males the breakdown would be slower. Hence less drug.

Also, remember after the follicles are well stimulated injection hcg is given (cause it mimics LH) and brings out ovulation.

Extra: Side effect of clomiphene citrate is ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome in females

But never ever give hcg to a woman with PCOD.. It's contraindicated cause already LH is high. Else you will cause ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.

Oh it's HCG, I thought it's clomiphene which was the culprit.

From what I read clomiphene does cause OHS by its own... But the gonadotrophins given externally are the major culprits.

One fact HCG is obtained from urine of pregnant woman. Even FSH and LH..urine of menopausal woman. I guess better recombinant counterparts are available though.

The conversation lead to urine and fecal transplants, will be published in the next post!

Study group discussion: Marfans syndrome

Today I learned that if someone has Marfans disease and they complain of a "tearing" feeling in their chest, they are probably having an aortic dissection and need surgery quick. Our patient made it to the hospital alive, but apparently it's commonly fatal.

Aortic dissection presents with pain radiating to the back. The radiation of pain hint is given in many multiple choice questions.

Marfan syndrome patient tend to have weak or bad joint... But how could they hyperextend their finger?

Because they have a defect in fibrillin synthesis. Synthesis of any structure with fibrillin is affected.

Good to know! I'll keep that in mind.

Fibrillin will form elastic connective tissue right?

Ohhh cool! Didn't know the association!

Fibrillin is a component of lots of types of connective tissue, I guess.


Mini mnemonic on Marfan: Marfan - Fibrillin - Marfibrillin (Merging words to remember!)

Marfan is associated wth ectopic lentis, right?

Yes, Marfans is associated with ectopia lentis. Another condition associated with ectopia lentis is homocystinuria.

What's ectopia lentis?

Displacement of the eye's lens.

Paracellular leak in the thick ascending limb

This fact had boggled me since first year physiology, finally got it figured out

Paracellular leak- sodium, potassium and chloride are absorbed into the cell by Na-2Cl-K transporter. But potassium is more permeable, hence it diffuses back into the luminal fluid. This creates positivity in the luminal fluid, which repels positive ions. Hence Mg, Ca, Na are pushed by the paracellular pathway to be absorbed.  

Study group discussion: Epigenetics

Epigenetic science is a whole new perspective. To bioethics and to humanity.

Yeah there will be some secondary factors that control this epigenetic modulation.

Decitabine and aza cytidine also work by epigenetic modulation.

I didn't get the cytidine epigenetic modulation bit. Can you please elaborate?

Epigenetics is a process where one gene is active at one time and other gene is inactive same time and vice versa.

This is due to some secondary factors.

Drugs like Decitabine and aza cytidine used in MDS has minor mechanism in epigenetics.

That's all I know ;)


Also epigenetics means
he interaction between the nature and nurture. Genetics and environment.

It means that if you're having a gene for diabetes doesn't make you diabetic, until there's a reaction with your environment.