Thursday, December 8, 2016

How to apply for USMLE exams


Many medicowesomites have asked about how to apply for their USMLE exams. Finally, here is the procedure. Sorry this took so long

I have answered all the queries in the end.

If you have any more questions, comment in the commments section below and I'll try to reply :)

Descriptive Epidemiology

Hello everyone !
Here's a video telling you a little bit of the Descriptive Epidemiology.
Let me know how you like it and I can continue to make some more to finish it up and tell you more about Epidemics!

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Stigmata of infective endocarditis

Hey Awesome people!

Here is another stigmata apart from those mentioned previously by IkaN in a post here,

Stigmata of infective endocarditis:-
(Remember- It's all in the hands)

Janeway's lesions: non- tender, erythematous macules on the palms and soles.
Osler's nodes: ephemeral spots of painful nodular erythema on hands and feet.
- Splinter haemorrhages: seen on the nails.

Thats all!

- Jaskunwar Singh


For all those who don't know what is glaucoma here is the quick review :-

There is damage to the optic nerve, etiology of glaucoma is yet to be known.

Generally, there is increase in intraocular tension , intraocular pressure above 25-30mm Hg which can cause loss of vision. In acute inflammation, WBCs and tissue debris can block exit of intraocular fluid through channel of Schlemm and in chronic conditions, especially in older individuals, fibrous occlusion of the trabecular spaces appears to be culprit!

Buerger's disease

Hey awesomites!

Here's a short post on important points in diagnosis of Buerger's disease (don't confuse the name with Berger's disease which is IgA nephropathy) also known as Thromboangiitis obliterans.

- Recurrent inflammation and thrombosis of small and medium sized vessels
- Hands and feet are affected the most
- Vasculitis and ischemia (causing blackish discoloration of skin)
- Chronic smoking (a definite predisposing/ risk factor)

Clinical features and diagnostic criteria:
            - male patient 30-40 years of age
            - history of chronic tobacco use
            - Angiography: - cock- screw appearance of arteries of wrists and ankles
                                      - tree root/ spider leg appearance due to collateral circulation
            - Exclusion of other vascular diseases ( Raynaud's phenomenon, atherosclerosis, diabetes, hypertension, endocarditis, hypercoagulable states, auto-immune disorders) is important.
            - Skin biopsy (rare)

Note: A possible Rickettsial infection (mostly Rickettsia rickettsiae) could be there which adds on to the pathology of the disease!  (usually in cases of  amputation of the affected area)

Thats all!

- Jaskunwar Singh

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Supracondylar fracture of the humerus

Supracondylar fracture of the humerus

- Transverse fracture of the distal part of the humerus.
- Bruises of anterior elbow (Proximal fragments buttons through the brachialis muscle)
- Posterior fat pad sign is seen in non displaced fracture of the humerus.

IMPORTANT: Assess radial and ulnar pulses because brachial artery can be compromised.

That's all!

Monday, December 5, 2016

Submissions: Selenium deficiency mnemonic

"Selena Gomez and Ke$ha both are young and have big hearts."

Selenium deficiency causes Keshan disease which is cardiomyopathy in young children. Also, singers like to dye their hair (Loss of hair pigment is seen in Selenium deficiency aka Keshan disease).

Submitted by Krutika.

Interesting fact: Keshans disease is thought to be caused by Selenium deficiency and coxsackie virus. It's common in places where selenium content in soil is low (China).

That's all!
Thanks Krutika for the mnemonic =)

How to browse through knowledge on Medicowesome

So we have written over 1000 posts. It's absolutely crazy! :D

About me

Hey Awesomites!

Well, I am not a new author here. I am honored to write so many posts for the blog . Let me introduce myself so that all of you can know about me...

Treatment of cholesterol-induced Alzheimer's

Hey awesomites!

Pathology done! Now lets know about its pharmacology here :)

Cranial Nerve Exits Mnemonic (2 2 4 4 )

Hey guys, Jay here!

This is a very simple self explanatory image which I made.

Brain abscess notes

Brain abscess notes

Here's what I studied =)

- Direct spread (Paranasal sinusitis, otitis media, mastoiditis, dental infection)
- Head trauma or surgical procedure
- Hematogenous spread (Pneumonia, endocarditis)

- Streptococci
- Bacteroides
- Pseudomonas
- Hemophilus
- Enterobacteriaceae
- MRSA (Head trauma, neurosurgical procedure)

- Headache > 75% patients
- Fever only in 50% patients (Important: Absence of fever should not exclude the diagnosis)
- Focal neurologic deficits > 60% patients
- Other symptoms - Papilledema, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, confusion
Hemiparesis - Frontal lobe abscess
Dysphasia - Temporal lobe abscess
Nystagmus, ataxia - Cerebellar abscess

- MRI is better than CT.
- Ring enhancing lesion with surrounding edema on neuro imaging studies is seen.
- Most accurate: Brain biopsy
High yield: Biopsy is essential to distinguish brain abscess from cancer and also to determine the precise organism.

Don'ts: Do NOT do a LP. CSF analysis doesn't contribute to diagnosis or therapy. Increases the risk of herniation.

Extra: Abscesses due to Listeria have blood culture positive > 85% of the time.

- Meningitis
- Meningoencephalitis
- Brain tumors (Cancer can give fever)

- Empirical antibiotics should be modified after results of gram stain and culture.
- Surgical drainage.
- Prophylactic anticonvulsant therapy (High risk [>35%] of seizures)
- Glucocorticoids are reserved for substantial periabscess edema and mass effect due to increased ICP.
- Serial MRI or CT scan monthly to document resolution of abscess.

That's all!

Hypercholesterolemia and the Alzheimer's disease

Hey awesomites!

All of you know that cholesterol is synthesized locally in brain as well as peripherally in liver, both separated by a line of blood-brain barrier. But what about the case of hypercholesterolemia and how it eventually leads to increased amyloid depositions. what is the ultimate link between high serum levels of cholesterol and the Alzheimer's disease?