Tuesday, October 10, 2017

USMLE Step 3: CCS Inflammatory bowel disease checklist

These are just my notes / checklist from the UW case 3. This post will not make sense to you if you are not preparing for CCS.

How to remember Sulfasalazine is associated with low sperm count


I keep forgetting that sulfasalzine is the IBD drug associated with oligospermia... Sooo mnemonic.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

High tHcy associated with mortality from acute stroke!

Hey Awesomites

Various prospective studies in the past years have concluded that high levels of total Homocysteine ( tHcy ) are an independent risk factor for increased mortality from ischemic stroke, after adjustment of confounding factors!

This association is only significant in the large vessel atherosclerosis stroke subtype, and is relatively not significant in small vessel occlusion subtype.

The question that now arises is - Do elevated plasma tHcy levels cause more serious strokes or is it that more serious strokes result in higher tHcy levels?

Studies have found that elevated tHcy levels induce oxidative injury to vascular endothelial cells and impair the production of NO, thus increasing the arterial pressure and risk of stroke.
Also, tHcy enhances platelet adhesion to endothelial cells, promotes the growth of vascular smooth muscles, and is associated with higher levels of prothrombotic factors such as Beta- thromboglobulin, tissue plasminogen activator, and factor VII C.

Whether the more serious strokes increase  levels of tHcy and the changes in the levels before and after the acute episode needs further studies for clarification.

Note : High tHcy is not a cause of stroke and is not associated with stroke severity. Patients in the highest tHcy quartile ( >18.6 umol/L ) with Acute ischemic stroke  in large vessels of brain are in increased risk of Long - term mortality.

Therapy to control and lower tHcy levels with vitamin B supplements has been shown to reduce the risk of stroke and other acute cardiovascular events.
Metabolic B12 deficiency is present in 30% of vascular patients over the age of 70 years, while higher doses of B12 are required in elderly people than younger ones.
However, renal function tests should be done before starting the supplementation because high doses of cyanocobalamine increase cyanide levels in patients with renal impairment ( GFR <50 ml/min ).

Source  )
That's all
- Jaskunwar Singh

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Heme Synthesis Mnemonic

Hello Everyone!

Lets discuss heme synthesis today.  Here's the Pathway:

That's all,

Post - intubation Cardiac Arrest : possible mechanisms

Hey Awesomites

Early post - intubation Cardiac Arrest ( within 10 minutes ) is a serious major complication of emergency intratracheal intubation associated with high in - hospital mortality, and occurs with approximately 2% frequency in the ED.

Various retrospective and case- control studies have been well designed to establish the connection and factors associated in the causation. One of the studies by Heffner et al. found that a higher pre - intubation shock index ( PISI ), that is defined as heart rate divided by systolic BP, and a higher weight of the patient are independently associated with post - intubation CA.

Systolic hypotension ( BP less than 90 mmHg ) is independently associated with post - intubation CA.

Emergency intubation can cause hypotension potentially as a consequence of actual intubation acting as a sympatholytic stimulus, mechanical ventilation ( positive pressure ventilation with subsequent fall in venous return ), and/ or the induction agents used.

Also important to note is that the association between pre - intubation hypotension and post - intubation progressive decline in BP and subsequently pulseless electrical activity arrest raises the question of whether treatment of hypotension before intubating by fluid resuscitation and vasopressors can decrease the rate of post - intubation CA.

That's all
- Jaskunwar Singh

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Fact of the day : Easier approach shot to the pouch of Douglas

Hey Awesomites

The posterior fornix of the vagina is separated from the peritoneal cavity by a single layer of peritoneum and the posterior vaginal wall. Therefore, vaginal approach from its posterior aspect for evacuation of pus in the pouch of Douglas can be done without much difficulty.

On the other hand, approach to uterovesical pouch ( anterior relation ) is much more difficult from the vaginal route and consists of a series of steps :
- Incise the vagina
- separate bladder from cervix
- Traverse the vesicocervical space ( till the uterovesical fold of peritoneum is reached )

This difference is due to the normal physiological position of the uterus that is anteverted and anteflexed; the direction of external os being downwards and backwards.

That's all
- Jaskunwar Singh

Basic modalities of Transitional Zone

Hey Awesomites

Squamocolumnar junction ( the transitional zone ) is a junction formed by merging of squamous epithelium of the vagina with the columnar epithelium of endocervix.

Squamous non keratinized epithelium lining the vaginal mucosa has three distinct layers -
- Basal layer of cuboidal cells
- Middle layer of prickle cells
- Superficial layer of cornified cells

Embryologically, the junction consists of columnar epithelium that spreads over the external os and only the basal and middle layer of squamous epithelium lining the vaginal mucosa.

After attaining puberty, hormonal effects of oestrogen and progesterone induce metaplastic changes in columnar epithelium. Therefore, the squamous epithelium comes in close vicinity to the external os.

During reproductive age, growth of uterus, hypertrophy of cervical cells and associated hormonal changes and in females exposed to DES in utero, the transitional zone extrudes well out of the external os.

Due to high cellular activity and sensitivity to certain irritants and mutagens, there is high risk of dysplastic changes in the squamocolumnar epithelium and eventually carcinoma cervix. So, scrapings for PAP smear are done without difficulty from this exposed area to screen the patients.

In menopausal women, the atrophy of cervix leads to in drawing of SCJ into the canal. Hence the junction is not easily accessible and this ill exposure is the reason for high rates of false negative findings in PAP smear in older women! Hormonal therapy in such patients improves the positivity of results.

That's all
Jaskunwar Singh

Types of tympanic membrane perforation

Hello Awesomites ! :D

There are different types of perforation of tympanic membrane. We name it on the basis of :-
1. Size of perforation
2. Site of perforation

So, let us begin.

1. Pinhole :- 1-2 mm in size.
2. Small :- Area involving one quadrant or <10% of pars tensa.
3. Medium :- Area involving 2-3 quadrant or 10-40% of pars tensa.
4. Subtotal :- Area involving the pars tensa >75% and does not involve the annulus.
5. Total :- A total perforation is present in tympanic membrane. Tympanic membrane is essentially absent and involve annulus also. 

1. Anterior 


1.Central :- A simple perforation in pars tensa with intact annulus. 
                   Perforation is surrounded all around by pars tensa.
2. Marginal :- Perforation in the pars tensa surrounded partly by pars tensa and partly by bone.
3. Attic :- Perforation in pars flaccida.

I found this topic very confusing in my exams.
I hope it helped. :D

Have a great day ahead.
-Upasana Y. :) 

Monday, October 2, 2017

Corpus Callosum - Let's connect

Hey Awesomites
Jas here
I am back :)

Let's talk about the largest connective pathway in the brain, the Corpus Callosum that is made up of more than 200 million nerve fibres, connecting our left brain to the right.

Friday, September 29, 2017

Rotator Cuff muscles and their actions (mnemonic)

To remember the actions of Rotator Cuff muscles ( Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres Minor and Subscapularis), just remember the following:

1- The mnemonic for the muscles is: SITS
2- We will start with ABDuction and finish with ADDuction
3- The vowels in English can be remembered by AEEIou ( shout to remember better :P )
4- Now just match letters from the 2 mnemonics in the same order they are written in
 as you can see in the table:

So S goes with A...I goes with E...T goes with E and the last S goes with I.

Never forget the action of Rotator Cuff muscles again :)


Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Echinocandins: Mechanism of action, side effects and orgranisms affected (mnemonic)

To easily remember anything related to Echinocandins (eg: Caspofungin, Micafungin) , just think of the letters "C, A and N"  => CAN :D

=> EchinoCANdins.
=> Inhibit synthesis of B-gluCAN. 
=> Used in CANdida and a thing that CAN invade your body (invasive aspergillosis).
=> CAN make you flush ( due to histamine release).


Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Joll's triangle in thyroidectomy

Hello friends,

This post is about the importance of Joll's triangle in thyroidectomy.

Joll's triangle is used to identify external laryngeal nerve during thyroidectomy.

Boundaries of this triangle are :
Laterally: Upper pole of thyroid gland and superior thyroid vessels.
Superiorly: Attachment of strap muscles and deep investing layer of fascia to hyoid.
Medially: Midline of neck.
Floor: Cricothyroid muscle.

This triangle contains superior laryngeal nerve which gives rise to external laryngeal nerve.

Given below is the diagram of this triangle:

Mnemonics for Modified Jones Criteria

Modified Jones Criteria is used  for diagnosis of Acute Rheumatic Fever.

Mnemonic - "JONES CAFE PAL"

Joint involvement (polyarthritis)
O 'O' looks like a heart - myocarditis
Nodules subcutaneous
Erythema Marginatum
Sydenham Chorea

CRP elevated
ESR elevated

Prolong PR interval
Anamnesia of Rheumatism
L eukocytosis

Presence of  either
- 2 major criterias or
- 1 major criteria + 2 minor criteria

Is considered to diagnose patient positive.

Written by,
Pratheek Prabhu

Monday, September 25, 2017

SIADH vs Diabetes Insipidus, Osmolarity and Sodium levels in urine and serum in both (mnemonic)

Serum and urine findings in SIADH and  Diabetes Insipidus can really mess up our brains :S

A nice mnemonic to memorize SIADH is to recall the letters as  :
 "S"odium "I"s "A"lways "D"own "H"ere (by here: I mean serum) =>
so in SIADH:
=> low Na in serum
=> high Na in Urine & high Urine Osmolarity

Now ...just think of the opposite and you ll get Diabetes Insipidus
so in DI:
=> high Na in serum /high serum osmolarity
=> low Na in Urine


Chronic Renal Failure : Indications for dialysis.

Hello guys!

In this post I am going to list down the Indications for dialysis in patients of Chronic Renal Failure.

Absolute Indications :
1. Volume overload not responding to medication.
2. Refractory hypertension.
3. Hyperkalemia unresponsive to medications.
4. Severe metabolic acidosis unresponsive to medications.
5. Uremic pericarditis
6. Neurological signs and symptoms of Uremia.
7. Plasma creatinine more than 1060 umol/l or BUN more than 36 mmol/l

Relative Indications :
1. Anorexia
2. Severe anemia unresponsive to erythropoietin.
3. Persistent severe pruritus.
4. Restless legs syndrome.

That's all.
Thank you

MD Mobarak Hussain (Maahii)

Some thalamic nuclei and their function (mnemonic)

Thalamic nuclei can really cause a headache if no mnemonics are used while studying them :O

The following mnemonics may be used to associate the nuclei with their functions:

1- Ventral Postero-Lateral nuclues  (VPL) => Very Painful Leg
This nucleus has input (pain, temperature, pressure, touch, vibration and proprioception) from Spinothalamic and dorsal columns/medial lemniscus ( Lower Limbs and Upper Limbs).

2- Ventral Postero-Medial nucleus (VPM) => Very Painful Mouth
This nucleus has input (face sensastion and taste) from trigeminal and gustatory pathway).

3- Lateral Geniculate Nucleus  (LGN) => Looking Good Naked :O
This nucleus has input (part of the visual pathway) from the optic nerve.

4- Medial Geniculate Nucleus (MGN) => Making Good Noise
This nucleus has input (part of the hearing pathway) from superior olive and inferior colliculus of tectum.

& that's it! :)


Sunday, September 24, 2017

Relation between Type I, Type II errors and Null hypothesis (mnemonic)

Biostatistics can really be dry and hard to engulf sometimes. 

One of the things that always confused me was when to accept and when to reject the null hypothesis. 

Since  mnemonics are one of the best things ever, here you go:

Type ONE error:
You use a verb with ONE consonant => reJect => so you reJect Null hypothesis

Type TWO error:
You use a verb with TWO consonants => aCCept => so you aCCept Null hypothesis

& that's it! :)


Saturday, September 23, 2017

Bacterial exotoxins that work via overactivating Adenylate Cyclase, a mnemonic

There are many bugs which have many exotoxins - to memorize those that have an exotoxin which work through overactivating Adenylate Cyclase therefore increasing cyclic AMP (+ cAMP) => just remember the letters of the word: CAMP

=> the bugs are:
Cholera (Vibrio Cholera)
Anthrax (Bacillus Anthracis)
Moctezuma's revenge (a fancy name of heat labile entertotoxigenic E.coli, ETEC)
Pertussis (Bordetella Pertussis)


Chromosomes affected in syndromes that sound similar, a mnemonic

Hello everyone!

Wilson's disease, Williams syndrome and Wilm's tumor are confusing since they all start with "Wil". This is how I remember them and differentiate which chromosome number is affected in which disease. 

Wilson's disease: (for Dr. House fans)
Remember Dr. House, Wilson and Thirteen?

So that's how I remember that in Wilson's disease chromosome 13 is affected. 

William syndrome:
If you read the 2nd part of the word William, it is: I AM. When you re-arrange it: I AM WILL. 

Remember Will Smith and his famous movie - Seven Pounds? 

William syndrome => chromosome 7 affected. 

Wilm's tumor:
Just write the I and L as 11 so it is W11m's => Chromosome 11 is affected.


Friday, September 22, 2017

Trinucleotide repeats mnemonics

In Friedreich Ataxia, patients have problems in their gait => GAAAAAAAAAAAit :D
so the trinucleotide repeat is: GAA

In Fragile X syndrome, patients have problems in their testicles (large testes among other things) so they  "Can't Get it Going" :P  => the trinucleotide repeat is: CGG


Renal stones and pH of urine mnemonic


Here's a post on the association between renal stones and pH of urine.

Which stones form in acidic urine?

Mnemonic: It's pretty simple, stones which have "weak acids" as a component.

Calcium oxalate (Oxalic ACID)
Cysteine (Which is an Amino ACID)

PS: This is just a mnemonic.

Which stones form in alkaline urine?

Calcium Phosphate
Magnesium Ammonium Phosphate

That's all!
