Saturday, December 6, 2014

Minor clinical problems observed in normal infants during first week of life illustration

We'll be learning about cute lil kids today!

My drawing is not that cute, but children are.

They have some findings which are normal and require no treatment. I have illustrated these findings in the pictures below.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Developmental milestones mnemonic: Copies, draws, scribbles!

Draw this once or twice and you've mastered another milestone!

Developmental milestones mnemonic: Pincer grasp

Very short post of the day!
Pincer grasp is achieved by the infant by 8-11 months of age. I remember 10 months because it's a mid point.
The thumb stands for 1 & the other fingers make an 0. That's how I remember pincer grasp is achieved around 10 months of age!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Total iron dose infusion formula (Haldane and Ganzoni) mnemonic

Hi everyone!
We'll be learning about an iron and anemia related topic today.

When a patient has severe anemia, you need to calculate the TDI (Total dose infusion) for parenteral therapy.

And there are various formulas with all sorts of numbers in em.
I'm allergic to memorization but I love memory aids! ;)
Let's start with the formulas!

Haldane formula for TDI = 0.3 x weight (lbs) x (100 -  Hb %) + 50%

Haldane's formula mnemonic:
H has 3 strokes | - |, so 0.3 is the multiplication factor.
Haldane has a L, for weight in Lbs.
Haldane has a H, H for Hundred. So hundred minus Hb %.
Add half of hundred, 50%, for stores.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Treatment of bleeding peptic ulcer mnemonic

The mnemonic is, "STOMACH"

S: Shock treatment
Stomach wash - Adrenaline in Saline given through Ryle's tube
Surgery - Under running of the bleeder using vicryl; ligation of splenic vessels and splenectomy; partial gastrectomy and gastroduodenostomy

T: Transfusion of blood (Comes under shock treatment, it's actually a filler)
Tube (Stomach wash using Ryle's tube)

O: Other stuff you could give, like drugs

M: Mesoprostil injection (It's a cryoprotectant)

A: Angiographic embolization of gastroduodenal artery

C: Cauterization (Endoscopic)

H: Hemoclip, Heater probe

Treatment of upper gastrointestinal bleeding mnemonic

We'll be taking about upper gastrointestinal bleeding today!
I am theory oriented these days. This is just a general guide to fill pages in my exam. Write everything you can remember!
The mnemonic is, "UPPER"

Sugiura Futagawa operation mnemonic

The mnemonic is, really weird. Read at your own risk :P

SUGiura FUTagawa

Surgery for acute bleeding varices and portal hypertension that cause portoazygos disconnection mnemonic

Good morning!
Remembering these names is not necessary.
I did it just to stand out in the exam. (Coz the theory examiner be like, "She remembers the name so she remembers the surgeries too!" xD )
That being clear, let's mug this up!

Intussusception mnemonic

How to remember certain signs and symptoms of intussusection?


Sunday, November 30, 2014

Fistula in ano mnemonics

This post is all about fistula in ano!

Fournier's gangrene mnemonic

Hope you're having a wonderful day!

I make lists of words so that I remember about them (Especially, for theory exams!)

Risk factors for carcinoma stomach mnemonic

Hey guys!
This is one of those "Make sure you write this" checklists I make.
Giving theory exams at the moment so I have that mindset xD

Anyway, the mnemonic is, "STOMACH"

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Hematemesis mnemonic

This mnemonic is for covering the unusual causes - DO NOT FORGET THE USUAL CAUSES LIKE ULCER AND VARICES.

Okay, now that the caps lock warning is read, let's get started :P

The mnemonic is, "UV HEMATEMESIS"

Paraumbilical hernia mnemonic

More of a checklist on what you need to know and write in exams!
The mnemonic is, "PARAUMBILICAL"

Pyloric stenosis mnemonic

Pyloric stenosis mnemonic
The mnemonic is, "PYLORIC"

Clinical vignette clues for multiple choice questions: Infected food and food poisoning.

This is for all those who are studying bacteriology.
Certain foods can transmit very specific infections, and examiners like to go after it. Make sure you know this list!

Food.. Infected food.

Thank you

Thank you. To all my readers.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Tuberculosis spine mnemonic (Potts disease)

I made this for my reference, so that I could make sure that I'd be able to write all the points, in case a LAQ was asked about it.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Multiple sclerosis mnemonic

Things to know about multiple sclerosis -

When I made this, it was more like my check list on what to write in my exam. So I wouldn't exactly call it a mnemonic.

The words keep recurring in the mnemonic but I wrote them twice anyway (More revision, more recall, yaay!)

Multiple sclerosis
Upper motor neuron weakness
Uthoff's phenomenon
Lhermitte sign
Tingling numbness
Intention tremors
Posterior column features
Pulfrich phenomenon
Lhermitte sign
Exercise worsens symptoms

Scanning speech
Cerebellar signs
Continence problem
Lhermitte sign
Exercise worsens symptoms
Remitting features
Optic neuritis
Internuclear ophthalmoplegia
Scanning speech

That's all!
There is another simplified, "SINS" mnemonic as well.


Updated on 3rd December, 2014: Pulfrich phenomenon, suggested by Sujay Nigudkar